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Moore is a painter living in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.

During the events of The Vault of Horror (1973) played by Tom Baker

Rogers gets into an elevator and presses the button to go down to the ground floor. The door opens and Maitland gets inside of the elevator and it continues downward. This continues as Sebastian, Critchit and Moore get on the elevator. They become startled when it stops at the subbasement level and the door opens into a room with five chairs surrounding a table with bottles of liquor and glasses. They decide to sit at the table and Moore tells them about a dream he had.

Moore is painting in Haiti when Bob Dickson stops by while visiting the island. When Moore mentions how his paintings are worthless, Bob says how one of them was recently sold for 5,000 pounds by Gaskill. He continues that Gaskill sold it for Diltant after they were highly praised by Breedley. Moore goes to see a Voodoo Man and tells him he wishes to buy Voodoo to get revenge on those who wronged him. The Voodoo Man asks what Moore does as a living and tells him to put his painting hand in a boiling pot of water. Moore at first refuses, but then sticks his hand inside before pulling it out and not experiencing any damage to his hand. The Voodoo Man then tells Moore to leave and as Moore pays him and exits, the Voodoo Man shakes his head. Later, Moore sketches his paint brush holder, but rips it up and throws it away, which causes the real paint brush holder to shatter. He cuts a piece of bread from a loaf and draws it before erasing a corner of it and a mouse crawls into his cottage and bites off a portion that matches his sketch. He draws a red mark on the cheek of his self portrait and after falling asleep has a nightmare of the Voodoo Man and falls off of his bed and scratches himself on the cheek. He borrows money from Bob and flies to London, taking along his self portrait. He rents his old studio from Landlord who shows him the safe he brought up just as Moore wanted. Moore puts his self portrait in the safe and locks it. He has a meeting with Diltant, Breedley and Gaskill where he accuses them of cheating him. He tells them he will have his revenge and they all laugh at him. Moore goes back to his studio and sketches portraits of Breedley, Gaskill and Diltant. He stares at Breedley's portrait and accuses him of lying about Moore's paintings to the public. He then removes the eyes from the portrait. Moore then looks at the portrait of Gaskill and accuses him of lying about the sale-ability of his artwork. Moore then cuts off the hands from Gaskill's portrait. The next day, Moore goes to Diltant's office and when he sees Diltant reading the paper, tells him it is his turn next. Diltant pulls a gun on Moore and Moore shows him the portrait he made of him. Moore then draws a red circle on the forehead of Diltant's portrait. Diltant then takes his gun and shoots himself in the head. Moore suddenly starts to choke and runs back to his studio when he realizes the lack of oxygen in the safe holding his portrait is the cause. He manages to pull his portrait out in time and places it on an easel, but realizes he left his watch behind at Diltant's office. As he races towards a taxi he is hit by a large truck, which crushes his skull.

After everyone has told their dream or nightmare, Sebastian wonders if their dreams are a warning of what may happen, but Critchit thinks it is nonsense. The elevator door opens, but instead of an elevator, it leads to a graveyard. The five men walk out into the graveyard and disappear one by one until Sebastian is the last one and he realizes that due to their evil deeds they will be forced to relay their stories for eternity.