Prince John (Robin Hood Men in Tights)
Prince John is the usurper King of England. His brother is King Richard. He has a wandering mole on his face.
During the events of Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) played by Richard Lewis
The Sheriff of Rottingham enters Prince John's castle and tells him he must speak with him. Prince John sends everyone else in court away, put promises to see Giggling Court Lady later. The Sheriff tells him, he has bad news and Robin Hood is back. Prince John calls for Latrine and runs to the tower and tells her about Robin. She creates a brew and tells him Robin could be dangerous. She offers to help him if he puts in a good word for her to the Sheriff. At Prince John's Party, a Mime starts to bore the Sheriff and Prince John and at first is sentenced to death by the Sheriff before Prince John intervenes. Marian walks into the dinner chamber and the Sheriff tries to trick her into a date. Robin barges into the party and insults Prince John to the gasps of the Party Guests and flirts with Marian. The Sheriff challenges Robin to a duel and a fight breaks out between Robin and the Sheriff's guards. Ahchoo, Blinkin, Little John and Will Scarlet O'Hara break into the castle and help in the fight. A group of knights in armor surround the banquet hall and Robin and his men escape by knocking them over like dominoes. The Sheriff tells Prince John, Robin has struck again and notices Prince John's mole has changed sides. While showing Prince John a stealth catapult, the Sheriff is ejected into Latrine's hut.
At the Annual Spring Fair, the Royal Announcer yells that the archery contest is about to begin. Prince John asks the Sheriff if everything is ready and the Sheriff motions towards Dirty Ezio who is looking out from the Folio Depository. Robin, who is disguised as an old man, makes it past the first round and in the next round faces Filthy Luca for the win. Robin hits a bullseye, but Filthy Luca splits Robin's arrow with his own. Robin, who is in shock that he lost, reads the script and figures out he gets another shot. Dirty Ezio tries to assassinate Robin, but Blinkin grabs the arrow before it hits Robin. Robin then fires a Patriot Arrow that automatically flies towards the target and hits the target from the backside. The Sheriff orders Robin arrested and Marian offers to marry the Sheriff if he spares Robin. The Abbot arrives with the Sheriff and then Marian is walked to the aisle by Prince John. The Abbot gives a prayer in pig Latin before starting the wedding ceremony. When The Abbot finds out that the Sheriff's name is Mervyn, he laughs, along with the Wedding Guests. As Marian is about to say ado, Ahchoo shoots the rope, freeing Robin from his noose. The Villagers arrive and a fight breaks out between the Merry Men and Prince John's soldiers. After the fight, Rabbi Tuckman is about to marry Robin and Marian when King Richard returns from the Crusades. Due to his brother's treachery, King Richard proclaims that from now on, toilets will be called John's and Prince John is taken away to the Tower of London.