Sheriff Hanks

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Sheriff Hanks


Roy Hanks is the sheriff of Canyonland County, Utah. His daughter is Julia.

During the events of Nightmare at Noon (1988) played by George Kennedy

Sheriff Hanks is woken up by his alarm and makes a pot of coffee. After Charley goes crazy, Sheriff Hanks arrives and Julia updates him on what is going on. After he gets Reilly's backstory, Charley breaks free and steals Sheriff Hank's vehicle. Charley starts shooting at vehicles with a shotgun and Sheriff Hanks and Julia arrive. Deputy drives up and Sheriff Hanks tells him Charley has gone crazy. Deputy goes up to Charley and asks him to give him the shotgun and Charley shoots and kills him. Sheriff Hanks then shoots and kills Charley. Sheriff Hanks tells Ken Griffiths, Cheri Griffiths and Reilly about finding Cowboy's truck shot up. Ken asks if there are any rental car places and Sheriff Hanks refers him to Floyd. Julia tells Sheriff Hanks she had Charley's blood checked at the hospital and it was some kind of acid. After some time, Sheriff Hanks and Reilly go to check on Ken, while Julia stays behind with Cheri. They separate when they arrive and Floyd hits Sheriff Hanks in the back with a crowbar, knocking him unconscious. After killing Floyd, Reilly and Ken find Sheriff Hanks and he tells them to go back to the Sheriff's Department while he tries to get help. Dr. Miller arrives and tells Sheriff Hanks about Johnny Haggers' son, who just tried to strangle a nurse. Sheriff Hanks, Julia and Reilly guess everything happening must be due to contaminated water. Sheriff Hanks asks Dr. Miller to check on his patients and see how many of them drank water that morning. Dr. Miller mentions even drinking coffee might lead to infection and Sheriff Hanks lies and says he didn't drink any. He and the others arm themselves and Sheriff Hanks tells Julia to get on her vehicle's PA system to tell the people not to drink the water as he, Ken and Reilly search the town. He soon starts to show symptoms of the contamination. A Minister charges at Sheriff Hanks with a knife and he shoots him. As he is walking away, Minister gets back up and is about to stab Sheriff Hanks, when Dr. Miller injects Minister with a syringe. Sheriff Hanks goes to the hospital and after the last injured patient arrives, he tells them to barricade inside. He then barricades himself in the Sheriff's Department with Julia, Reilly and Ken. Two of Albino's Henchman start to burn the town down with flamethrowers. Sheriff Hanks recommends they pin The Albino and Albino's Henchman down at the old drive-in. He goes on his own to lead the vans towards the drive-in as a decoy. He and the others ambush Albino's Henchman, but he is set on fire and dies.

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