The Alien

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The Alien


"Bug" is a Rakeon species rocket pilot. She sleeps in an egg cocoon every night.

During the events of Zone Troopers (1985) played by William Paulson

Somewhere in Italy in 1944, as The Sarge, Joey, Mittens and Dolan are making their way through the woods, they are watched by The Alien. They are suddenly attacked by a mortar group and The Alien uses a device to vaporize a large tree branch that is about to fall on them. They take shelter in a building for the night and while Joey is on watch, he sees The Alien. The Alien is eventually captured by Nazis and brought to an S.S. camp. Col. Manheim is brought to the cage holding The Alien and is shown how it is cocooned. Dolan is then brought to its cage and Manheim demands to know what he knows about The Alien. The Fuhrer arrives and is shown The Alien and as The Fuhrer is laughing in front of Mittens, Mittens punches him in the face. The Alien is put into a truck and Mittens and Dolan are put back into their cage. Joey, Mittens and Dolan get into the truck holding The Alien and driven by The Sarge and they escape from the S.S. camp . A nazi fires a rocket at the vehicle, but The Alien uses a device to create a force field and Joey thanks The Alien. The Sarge parks the truck and has Mittens disable it. They find a tomb and hide inside of it for the night. Mittens pulls out a cigarette to smoke and The Alien takes it from him and eats it and then shows Mittens and Joey a glowing green device which he trades for another cigarette. The Alien leaves and makes its way to where its rocket ship crashed. The Zone Trooper Captain, The Alien and three more Zone Troopers walk towards the spaceship and Joey and Mittens run up the Zone Trooper Captain and introduce themselves and he uses a device to translate their words. The Zone Trooper Captain and the others then start to walk away and after Mittens ask if they have any women, the Zone Trooper Captain tells him The Alien is a female. The Alien shakes Joey's hand and then walks onto the spaceship with the others. Suddenly a Nazi tank enters the clearing and as Joey goes to help The Alien, the tank fires a round and Joey is hit. The Alien then uses a device to evaporate the tank. The Sarge asks the Zone Trooper Captain for help, but he tells him they will not help them. Mittens and Dolare are about to be killed when the Nazis start to evaporate. The Alien runs to them and brings them two laser guns and they kill the Nazis with the help of the Zone Trooper Captain and the other Zone Troopers. The Alien and the Zone Troopers then leave.

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