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Twyla Gaiter is a seven year old resident of Ankh-Morpork, on Discworld. Her parents are Mr Gaiter and Mrs Gaiter and her brother is Gawain.

During the events of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather (2006) played by Madeleine Rakic-Platt

Susan tells Twyla and Gawain a bedtime story about Jack and the Beanstock, but in the perspective that Jack is the bad guy. Twyla asks Susan if the Hogfather is coming and Gawain asks when he will arrive. Susan tells them if they don't believe in the Hogfather, then he won't come. That night, Twyla walks into Susan's room and tells her she is afraid of the monster in the cellar. On Hogswatch, Twyla and Gawain start to question if the Hogfather is real to Susan. During the night, Twyla and Gawain catch Mr Gaiter dressed as the Hogfather and their belief in the Hogfather vanishes. The next day, Teatime has Twyla and Gawain come into the room and they tell Teatime that he is a creepy monster. Teatime goes to kill Death and Susan throws a poker at Death, which goes through him and impales Teatime and Susan stops time.