Water Tanker Driver

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Water Tanker Driver


Water Tanker Driver is a member of a group of survivors of the wasteland who have cultivated plants.

During the events of The Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) played by Roman Ariznavarreta

John tells the Water Tanker Driver what direction to go based on a map he has. He hears something and finds Tommy hiding in the truck. The Water Tanker Driver tells John it is too late to go back. Suddenly The Exterminators appear and start chasing the convoy. The attack continues as both Water Tanker Escorts and members of The Exterminators are killed. John gives Tommy the map to the water and tells him to stay hidden. The Water Tanker Driver is then impaled with a grappling hook and killed when an Exterminator forces the Water Tanker to stop suddenly.