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== Background ==
== Background ==

Latest revision as of 20:15, 30 March 2021



Giordani is a professor of psychiatry in Rome, Italy. He is also interested in parapsychology. Giordani is Jewish.

During the events of Deep Red (1975) played by Glauco Mauri

At the European Congress on Parapsychology, Giordani, who is sitting next to Helga Ulmann and Bardi, tells the audience about insects and their use of telepathy. He goes on to say that humans are born with telepathy, but most lose the ability over time. He then introduces Helga to the crowd. Helga tells the attendees her abilities are not derived from magic, but she can detect things that are happening now or have happened in the past. She correctly identifies a set of keys an audience member has in his pocket and that his name is Pietro Valgoi. Helga suddenly screams out and detects a murderer is in the room and that the murderer will kill again. She mentions a children's song and villa and continues speaking as if she were the killer, telling another that they will hide the evidence and act like nothing has happened. After the conference ends, Helga tells Giordani that tomorrow, she will write everything down that she felt and she knows who the murderer is. After her murder, Giordani and Bardi go to Helga's funeral.

Later, Giordani and Bardi go over everything Helga said to Marcus Daly and Gianna Brezzi and they ask them if they noticed anyone in the crowd. Marcus buys a record, Songs for Children and finds the same song, which he then plays for Giordani and Bardi. Giordani tells Marcus, he thinks the murderer is a paranoid schizophrenic, one that would appear normal in day to day life. He continues that the killer would need to create a situation similar to the one in which they first killed, with the same things or noises used as a trigger. Bardi reminds Marcus that Helga mentioned a villa and tells him of a book entitled Ghosts of Today and Dark Modern Legends, which mentioned an abandoned villa. Marcus calls Giordani and tells him Amanda Righetti has been murdered. He meets with Giordani and describes how he found Amanda and that she seemed to be pointing at something. Elvira shows Giordani where Amanda was found. As Elvira is cleaning up the blood, the phone rings. Giordani gets an idea when he sees condensation from the hot water build up and turns on the tub and reads the message Amanda left. Giordani is at home when he hears a noise and someone whisper his name. A mechanical doll charges at him and he slices its head in half with a large knife and is then attacked by the killer, who repeatedly slams his mouth into the fireplace before taking the knife and shoving it into Giordani's neck.