Carlo's Mother

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Carlo's Mother


Marta Manganiello is a resident of Rome, Italy. Her son is Carlo and her husband was Carlo's Father.

During the events of Deep Red (1975) played by Clara Calamai

At the European Congress on Parapsychology, Giordani, who is sitting next to Helga Ulmann and Bardi, tells the audience about insects and their use of telepathy. He goes on to say that humans are born with telepathy, but most lose the ability over time. He then introduces Helga to the crowd. Helga tells the attendees her abilities are not derived from magic, but she can detect things that are happening now or have happened in the past. She correctly identifies a set of keys an audience member has in his pocket and that his name is Pietro Valgoi. Helga suddenly screams out and detects a murderer is in the room and that the murderer will kill again. She mentions a children's song and villa and continues speaking as if she were the killer, telling another that they will hide the evidence and act like nothing has happened. Carlo's Mother breaks the door down in Helga's apartment and starts hacking at Helga with a meat cleaver. She then walk over to a table and take the notes Helga wrote on the murder. Marcus Daly looks up and sees Helga at her window and then sees the murderer kill Helga.

Marcus goes to Carlo's house and Carlo's Mother answers the door. She seems absent minded and tells him how she used to be an actress, but her husband forced her to quit once they got married. She asks Marcus if he will do a piano duet with her and then tells him Carlo is at Massimo Ricci's home. During the night, as Marcus is writing a new song, someone starts skulking around his apartment. He hears a children's song being played, but it stops. The front door opens and he sees a shadow moving around. The phone rings and Marcus answers it after shutting his sliding door. He tells Gianna Brezzi, who called him, he needs help and Carlo's Mother whispers that they will kill him sooner or later.

Amanda Righetti finds her back door open and another doll hanging from a noose. Children's music starts to play and she grabs a sewing needle and accidentally kills one of her birds as it flies towards her. Carlo's Mother attacks her and sticks her head into boiling bath water. Carlo's Mother then leaves. She tracks Marcus to Leonard da Vinci State Middle School and stabs Gianna in the stomach. Later, Marcus goes back inside Helga's apartment and realizes the painting he thought was missing was a mirror showing the face of the murderer, Carlo's Mother. Carlo's Mother appears and tells him what happened all those years back. Carlo's Father had told Carlo's Mother that she had to go back to the asylum. She then took a knife and stabbed Carlo's Father in front of Carlo, who was listening to a record of children's music. Carlo's Mother attacks Marcus, but gets her necklace stuck in the elevator bars. Marcus turns on the elevator and as the elevator goes down, Carlo's Mother is decapitated.