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Alma is a member of a refugee group trying to find the remnants of civilization.

During the events of The New Barbarians (1983) played by Anna Kanakis

Shadow and Mako are chasing down a van. The van manages to ram a Templar car into the ditch, but Shadow uses his spear and flame thrower to set the inside of the van on fire. Alma and the driver jump out of the burning vehicle and start to run away. Shadow impales the driver with his vehicle's spear while Mako chases after Alma. Mako's Friend throws a net on Alma and Mako starts to drag her behind his vehicle. Scorpion shoots the rope and then charges his vehicle at Mako's. As Scorpion and Mako are about to duel, Shadow gets between them and punches Mako. Shadow tells Scorpion he thought he was dead and he will have to tell One he saw him. Scorpion warns Shadow he will kill him if he sees him again. Scorpion and Alma have sex in a clear plastic illuminated blow up tent. Alma tells Scorpion she was separated from the rest of her group when they were attacked, but thinks they are all dead. Scorpion tells her, he fights to survive and not because of any hope of finding civilization. The next day, Scorpion and Alma are surrounded by a group of Templars led by Mako. Scorpion gets out of his car and starts to run. After he kills Mako, Scorpion tells Mako's Friend to take Mako's body back to One as a warning. Scorpion and Alma stop at a lake to get water and so he can clean a wound. Nadir shows up and approaches them and after he sees Alma is wounded, tells them he saw a caravan awhile back that might be able to help them. Scorpion, Alma and Nadir go to Father Moses' camp and he agrees to help Alma. Alma is brought to Whizz. Whizz bandages up Alma and she tells Scorpion she is going with Father Moses' group. The Templars arrive at Father Moses' camp and Whizz tells Alma to come with him. The Templars destroy Father Moses' camp and kill most of his followers. One calls Father Moses and his people idiots and walking corpses and tells them there is nothing left in the world. The Templars sent to check up on the Templar base crash their vehicle into Father Moses' camp and Shadow yells it's a trap when he notices they are dead. Scorpion and One face off and Scorpion reveals his clear bullet proof armor. A battle erupts between Scorpion, Nadir and Young Mechanic versus, One, Shadow and the remaining Templars. One runs away while Shadow taunts Scorpion and threatens to kill the remainder of Father Moses' people. As Shadow is about to shoot Alma, Father Moses jumps in front of her and is killed. Shadow starts to kill the rest of them and is shot in the face and killed by Scorpion. Scorpion returns to the camp after killing One. Alma walks up to Scorpion and Young Mechanic puts his hand into Scorpion's.