Father Moses

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Father Moses


Father Moses is a religious leader originally from Dallas Five. His sect believed in the end of the world and so were in their bunkers with seven years worth of supplies when the bombs fell.

During the events of The New Barbarians (1983) played by Venantino Venantini

Father Moses tells one of his followers not to give up. Woman in Moses' Group 2 gives Father Moses a cup. Patty calls out to Father Moses and tells him she picked up a signal in Morse Code and the members of the camp, including Woman in Moses' Group run to the radio. Scorpion, Alma and Nadir go to Father Moses' camp and he agrees to help Alma. Alma is brought to Whizz and Scorpion and Nadir warn Father Moses that the Templars are near. The Templars arrive at Father Moses' camp. The Templars destroy Father Moses' camp and kill most of his followers. One calls Father Moses and his people idiots and walking corpses and tells them there is nothing left in the world. The Templars sent to check up on the Templar base crash their vehicle into Father Moses' camp and Shadow yells it's a trap when he notices they are dead. Scorpion and One face off and Scorpion reveals his clear bullet proof armor. A battle erupts between Scorpion, Nadir and Young Mechanic versus, One, Shadow and the remaining Templars. One runs away while Shadow taunts Scorpion and threatens to kill the remainder of Father Moses' people. As Shadow is about to shoot Alma, Father Moses jumps in front of her and is killed.