Kaylie Russell

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Kaylie Russell


Kaylie Ann Russell works at Dumont Auction House in Fairhope, Alabama. Her parents were Marie Russell and Alan Russell, but they are deceased and her brother is Tim Russell. She is engaged to Michael Dumont. Kaylie is 23 years old. Her father was accused of murdering her mother and Tim was accused of murdering Alan. She used to have a dog named Mason, but he disappeared.

During the events of Oculus (2013) played by Karen Gillan and Annalise Basso

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Kaylie walks in to an auction room as Auctioneer is taking closing bids on an item. She walks up to Michael and greets him and the Auctioneer presents the next item up for bid, the Lasser Glass mirror. Kaylie picks Tim up and during lunch, she tells him she would be happy if he stayed with her and Michael. She tells him she found the Lasser Glass and she says they need to keep their promise and destroy it. Kaylie drops Tim off at a hotel and tells him she is going to destroy the Lasser Glass tomorrow and asks for his help. That night, Kaylie has a dream of the Lasser Glass and Alan choking her. The next day, Michael makes a comment about Kaylie printing out graphic crime scene photos on the work printer and notices she put in an order to transfer the Lasser Glass, and she tells him it is to repair it. She apologizes for how things have become weird lately and assures him things will go back to normal in a couple of days. Kaylie tells Warren, the buyer wants his personal inspector to see the piece before it ships. After Warren leaves to get moving pads, Kaylie pulls off the sheet covering the mirror and starts to apparently see antiques move. Mark (Supervisor) has Kaylie sign the transfer order for the Lasser Glass and Tim calls her and she asks if they can meet at their old house. As she leaves work, she walks by a plant in the warehouse that has wilted. Tim is already at the house when Kaylie walks in with Dog. He looks around the house and Kaylie tells him she inherited it after she turned 18 and was released from foster care. They bring the Lasser Glass into the house and put it in Alan's old office. He sees a large anchor hanging from the ceiling and Kaylie tells him it is her kill switch. She starts three camcorders and records herself giving an introduction of who she is and Tim. She then moves on to discussing precautions she has set around the house including alarms to remind them to eat and the kill switch that has to be reset every thirty minutes. She explains she is performing the experiment to prove the Lasser Glass is a supernatural entity.

As she is telling the history of the Lasser Glass, Michael calls her to check in on her and she asks him to call her every hour. She continues on with the history of the Lasser Glass going from Robert Clancy, Mary O'Connor, and Alice Carden. They stop to eat and she tells Tim she is making the recording to prove Alan wasn't a murderer. She continues with the history and mentions Tobin Capp, Marcia Wicker, Marisol Chavez and finally when it was purchased by Alan. She finishes the recording by saying her intent is to show none of the deceased were responsible for their actions, but were victims. Tim asks why they don't just smash the Lasser Glass now and Kaylie tells him he should. He walks up to it and pulls of the cloth covering, but stops before even trying. Kaylie brings up Oliver Jeffries who attempted to destroy the Lasser Glass, but after staring at it, walked into traffic. She tells Tim she is using Dog as a guinea pig and Tim recalls how Mason's condition deteriorated in the house as time went on. He tells Kaylie she is remembering what happened to Mason wrong, and he really died of Parvo. He tells her about the Fuzzy-trace Theory and believes that Kaylie is mixing memories. Kaylie reminds Tim about the woman she saw in Alan's office and Tim tells her, Alan was having an affair which drove Marie crazy. Kaylie accuses Tim of being brainwashed in the mental facility.

Tim frees Dog and lets him out of the house and Dog runs away. He almost convinces Kaylie to turn everything off and leave when she notices the camcorders have moved and the plants in the office are dead. Tim pulls out his cellphone to call Dr. Graham and Kaylie tells him he has to use it in another room, outside of the Lasser Glass's influence. She gets a call from Michael and answers the phone. They go out of the office and notice more of the plants are dying. Tim appears to walk outside to make a phone call, but can't connect, he comes to and Kaylie tells him, he never left the house. As Kaylie is setting the camcorders back up, Tim notices the images they are recording are not what he is seeing with his eyes. Kaylie starts remembering the events the day her parents were killed and the light bulb that Tim appeared to have switched out burns out again. She switches out the light bulb twice and picks up what she thinks is the apple she was eating, but turns into a glass bulb. As she pulls a bloody piece of bulb from her mouth, the bulb turns back into the apple she was eating.

Kaylie wakes up and realizes she is standing in front of the mirror. The power goes out and Kaylie turns on a series of battery operated lamps. She finds a piece of broken pottery, but when she uses the camera on her cellphone, the other pieces she thinks she sees don't appear to be real. She then sees what appears to be a Glass Eyed Specter and when she stabs it in the neck with the pottery piece, she sees it was really Michael. She uses her cellphone camera to look at the body, and realizes she really did kill Michael. She and Tim go outside the house and when he tries to call 911, he gets the same voice as when Kaylie called 911 as children. They look back into the house and see themselves standing in front of the Lasser Glass. They go back into the office and a Glass Eyed Specter appears and Tim and Kaylie run away. They decide they have to try and destroy the mirror once more, but they get separated. Tim wakes up in front of the mirror and calls to Kaylie. Kaylie is called towards the Lasser Glass by what appears to be Marie and she walks to the Lasser Glass. Tim initiates the kill switch early and Kaylie is killed by the large anchor.

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