Gideon Hayes

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Gideon Hayes


Gideon Hayes is a prep school student in the United States. His father is in the Navy. Gideon is in a relationship with J.J.

During the events of Def-Con 4 (1985) played by Kevin King

Howe is brought before Gideon, who asks Howe if the fallout from the nuclear bombs could have reached Patagonia. J.J. and Vinny are brought before Gideon and Gideon sends them to the prison boxes. Gideon talks to Howe some more before dismissing him when Lacey reports to Gideon that the Delta S16 had been found.

Gideon orders the Delta S16 removed and to then be brought to Boomer. Gideon goes to visit Boomer and brings along a steak which he puts on a grill. The Delta S16 is plugged in to a computer, and Gideon offers him a deal, if Boomer tells him where the survival stations are located, then he will let Boomer go and give him a steak. Boomer tells Gideon the password to get into the Delta S16 system, E Pluribus Funk. Gideon types in the password, which gives him the coordinates of the safe zone, E621720 N190240. Gideon thanks Boomer by dropping the steak he was supposed to give Boomer onto the ground and stepping on it, then kicking the steak into Boomer’s face. Gideon tells J.J. his plan to sail with himself, J.J. and Lacey to a survival station still intact. J.J. refuses his offer, and then she is ordered by Gideon to be taken away by a Squad Leader. Gideon orders a trial to be held in the morning to determine the guilt or innocence of Howe, Jordan, J.J. and Vinny. The four of them are brought into a hangar and both Howe and Jordan are accused of crimes against humanity and both are found guilty. J.J. is accused of treason and she is also found guilty. Vinny is accused of numerous yet nameless crimes and he too is found guilty. All of the accused are sentenced to be hung from their necks until they are dead.

First Hangman and Second Hangman show nooses to the screaming crowd. The four sentenced are brought before the gallows and nooses are tied around their necks by First and Second Hangman. Gideon offers J.J. a pardon on the condition that she has to pull the hangman’s lever, to which she refuses. Gideon then makes the same offer to the others and Howe steps forward. He is told to pull the lever once the drum beat ends or he will be shot. Right before Howe is forced to pull the lever, Boomer shoots Gideon in the leg. Boomer is shot dead, but Howe is able to escape. Gideon demands Jordan bandage him, but Jordan refuses unless J.J. and Vinny are released from the gallows, and Gideon agrees. After Jordan bandages Gideon, Gideon tells Jordan he promised to not hang J.J. and Vinny, but he instead plans on shooting them. Jordan tries to kill Gideon by injecting him with potassium, but the needle is used on her instead, killing her.

J.J. is brought before Gideon and is able to convince him to bring her along with him on the sailboat. On the boat, Gideon orders Lacey to collect the weapons of two Troopers who are also on the boat and tells Lacey to also give him his gun. Gideon tells the Troopers they did a good job and then shoots them dead. Gideon comes up from below decks and J.J. keeps him occupied by kissing him, before he spots Howe and tells Lacey to get him, but J.J. pushes Lacey off of the boat. Gideon grabs J.J. and orders Howe to jump off the boat or he will slash J.J.’s throat. Howe jumps back into the ocean, and then J.J. and Gideon struggle, before she knocks Gideon off the boat. Gideon and Lacey make it back to camp. The nuclear warhead from the Nemesis satellite then detonates, destroying the camp.

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