Snake Plissken

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Snake Plissken


S. D. "Snake" Plissken is a former Lieutenant in the Special Forces Unit Black Light. During his time in the military he received two Purple Hearts for actions in Leningrad and Siberia and was the youngest soldier to be decorated by the President. He flew the Gulf Fire over Leningrad. He was convicted of robbing the Federal Reserve Depository and given a life sentence.

During the events of Escape from New York played by Kurt Russell

Snake Plissken is brought to Hauk's office and offered a deal, if he goes into Manhattan and rescues the President within 24 hours he will be pardoned for all his crimes. Snake agrees to go on the mission. He is forced to take a strong "anti-toxin" injected by Cronenberg which turns out to be tiny explosives set to go off in 21 hours. Snake lands on the top of the Twin Towers flying a glider. He finds the remains of Air Force One and he tells Hauk the device they gave him has picked up the President's pulse. He travels to a theater where he is greeted by Cabbie who recognized him when he walked by. A Bum and his friends try and ambush Snake, but they are unsuccessful. Snake finds a man wearing the President's suit and wrist locator being beaten by another man, however the man wearing the locator turns out to be just a Drunk. Snake slams the wrist monitor, causing the pulse meters to flat line. He calls Hauk and tells him the monitor was on the wrong person and the President is dead however Hauk tells him to continue the mission. Snake returns to the site of the escape pod but has to run for cover when Crazies emerge from the sewers. He meets a woman in the Chock Full O'Nuts store who recognizes Snake but had heard he was dead. Crazies attack and drag the woman underground while Snake manages to get away, but drops his walkie talkie in the process. Cabbie drives up and takes Snake to see Brain when Snake demands he take him to the Duke. Snake meets Maggie and the Brain. Snake recognizes Brain as Harold Hellman who left him and Fresno Bob to be captured by the police. Fresno Bob was tortured by the police. Snake by gunpoint, convinces Brain to help him find the President. Cabbie drives away when the Duke and his gang arrive in the neighborhood looking for Brain. Snake steals one of the Duke's cars and he, Brain and Maggie drive to where the President is being held. Brain distracts the guards while Snake gets the President. As Snake and the President are trying to escape they are caught by Gypsies. The Duke questions Snake who refuses to talk and Brain tells the Duke Snake was sent by the authorities. Snake is then knocked unconscious by the Duke. The Duke is using the President as target practice when he shoots the President's briefcase open. The briefcase, which was attached by a handcuff to his wrist, drops a cassette tape, which Romero takes. Snake is brought to a boxing ring where he is forced to fight Slag using baseball bat maces as weapons and trash can lids as shields. During the fight Snake notices Red Bandana Gypsy wearing his beacon locator. Snake kills Slag by hitting him in the head with a spike from the bat, killing him and then grabs Red Bandana Gypsy's arm and activates the beacon locator and taking it back. Gypsy Guard tells Duke Brain escaped with the President and the Duke quickly leaves. Gypsy Guard then tells the other Gypsies who pile out of the area. Snake returns to the Twin Towers and finds Brain and Maggie fighting some Indians. Brain tells Snake he knows where the cassette tape is. They find Brain's car disabled and the Duke and his men waiting for them, forcing them to run away just in time to be picked up by Cabbie. Snake drives towards the bridge while Brain guides him. The Duke follows in his vehicle behind them. Snake drives over a mine which blows the cab in half and also kills Cabbie. Brain is killed when he steps on a landmine and Maggie stays behind to kill the Duke. Maggie is killed when the Duke runs her over with his car. The Duke then follows Snake and the President on foot. Hauk dispatches helicopters to Snake and the President's location. The Duke is shot by the President as the Duke was about to shoot Snake. Snake hands over the tape to Hauk and Cronenberg administers the charge to destroy the mini bombs in Snake's arteries. Hauk offers Snake a job, but Snake walks away. The President has a press conference where he plays the tape, which turns out to be one of Cabbie's music tapes. Snake walks away unraveling the real tape and then tosses it aside.

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