Hannibal Cotta

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Hannibal Cotta


Hannibal Cotta is a criminal captain of the Aventine.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 2 Son of Hades played by Cosimo Fusco

Hannibal Cota is invited to a parlay meeting declared by Head Priest along with Memmio, Acerbo, Gaul Boss, Veteran Boss and Quintus Boss. During the meeting, Memmio asks Hannibal Cotta who called the parlay, and Hannibal tells him he doesn't know. Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo arrive and Lucius introduces himself. Lucius declares that the war over territory has been declared over by order of Mark Antony and Lucius says that as the killer of Erastes Fulmen he claims ownership of the Aventine Collegium and that ownership of the Aventine belongs to him. Acerbo says he cannot claim ownership and Lucius offers the captains that once order is restored in the Aventine then they will be paid a certain amount. Acerbo initially refuses the offer and Lucius tells them all that those who oppose him will be his enemy and killed.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 5 Heroes of the Republic played by Cosimo Fusco

Lucius holds a meeting with Memmio and Hannibal Cotta declaring a truce and they agree to a peace.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 6 Philippi played by Cosimo Fusco

Lucius holds a meeting with Memmio, Acerbo, Hannibal Cotta and Gaul Boss, in which he gives them each a list of ten prominent members of Roman society with orders to kill them and to take from them what they wish.