Becky Cade

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Becky Cade


Becky Cade is a resident of Louisiana. Her husband is Allen Cade.

Young Becky Cade - Edited.png

During the events of Carnivorous (2008) played by Abby Rao and Lisa Arnold

Allen goes to Becky's house and invites her to go to Crazy Kirabou's house. They sneak into his house and find the Kulev Stick and take it when Kirabou hears them in his house. Kirabou runs after Allen and Becky and Becky goes home.

Years later, Allen wakes up in bed and Becky asks him if he wants any breakfast. Allen reminds Becky that it is Laura Cade's birthday and she tells him that she will get some flowers from their nursery. Becky tells Allen the plants she got for them to plant and they each tell the other they love them. The Mailman delivers the mail to Allen and Becky's house. While Becky is planting plants, she finds the box with the Kulev Stick. Becky crosses the road to get the mail, and Kurt runs her over and keeps on driving.