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Crane is a carnival barker for the Mystic Science Temple.

During the events of X: The Man with X-Ray Eyes (1963) played by Don Rickles

At a carnival, Crane tells the crowd about the psychic act and is heckled by Heckler 1 and Heckler 2. A crowd goes to see "Mentalo" and Dr. James Xavier walks onto a stage. Crane collects pieces of paper with questions written down from the audience and Dr. Xavier is able to answer them all. Crane tries to figure out how Dr. Xavier is able to do what he does and Dr. Xavier kicks him out of his room. LAter, a carnival worker calls Dr. Xavier a fake and as he is walking away, Crane tells him not to pay attention to them and that he wants to be able to see all the naked women in the world and Dr. Xavier tells him he wants money. Later, a carnival patron falls off of a ride and as a crowd gathers around, Dr. Xavier is able to diagnose her injuries. Crane tells Dr. Xavier that he thinks he is a healer and that they could set up a place to heal people and make money. They rent a place a place and Dr. Xavier tells Crane he is never to enter his room under any circumstances. Crane brings Mrs. Mart as Dr. Xavier's first patient and Dr. Xavier truthfully tells her there is nothing wrong with her besides old age. Word spreads and more and more people come to see Dr. Xavier. Eventually Dr. Diane Fairfax finds Dr. Xavier and convinces him to leave with her, but as they try to leave, Crane tells Dr. Xavier that he knows he is wanted for the murder of Dr. Sam Brant and threatens to go to the police if he leaves. Dr. Xavier pushes Crane aside and Crane runs after him screaming murderer.