Dr. Tracer

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Dr. Tracer


Dr. Morgan W. Tracer is a NASA analyst.

During the events of Alien Predators (1987) played by Luis Prendes

Dr. Tracer goes to the town of Duarte, Spain when he gets a message from Capt. J.J. Wells. He meets him at a cafe and then leave so Capt. Wells can show him something. They go to the Motel Duarte and Capt. Wells shows him the body of Lt. Green which has a giant mass on his face. Dr. Tracer then takes Capt. Wells to the NASA Research Center and shows him the lab they built after recovering Skylab. As they are in level 5, Capt. Wells understands that he has been infected with an alien organism and kills himself. Samantha is driving a dune buggy when Dr. Tracer honks at her and tells her she is in danger, but she ignores him. Before he can follow her, his car is pushed into a stone wall. He eventually locates her and pulls a gun on Samantha and makes her take him to the Motel Duarte. He then contacts NASA and tells them there is a Red Alpha Alert, Samantha sneaks away to a room but comes across the body of Lt. Green and a creature that comes at her. She runs outside of the room and closes the door and Dr. Tracer asks her if she believes him now. They meet up with Michael and Damon and then Dr. Tracer takes them to see the only exit out of town, which has been barricaded by the locals. He tells them about the Alien Predators and how he needs a canister from the Skylab in order to make a serum. Michael offers to go get the canister and when he returns to the RV, Dr. Tracer makes the serum and gives it to Samantha, Michael and Damon. His nose starts to bleed and he runs out into the street. Damon tries to get him to come back, but Dr. Tracer is run over by a fuel truck.

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