Ernie (Hogfather)

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Ernest "Ernie" works for the Toothfairy Bulk Collection in Ankh-Morpork, on Discworld.

During the events of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather (2006) played by Arthur White

Teatime hijacks Ernie's carriage. Banjo carries Violet and puts her in Ernie's carriage and the others get inside. Banjo reminds Medium Dave that their mom told them not to hit girls. Teatime then tells Ernie to drive to the Unseen University. Ernie drives the carriage to a wall behind the Unseen University and Teatime takes some magic powder that Ernie has and throws it at the wall and a portal forms. Teatime then kills Ernie and drives the carriage through the portal. Death comes to collect Ernie and then asks him about Teatime.