Flash Gordon

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Flash Gordon


Flash Gordon is a quarterback for the New York Jets. He helped win 1979's Superbowl. Flash is a novice pilot.

During the events of Flash Gordon (1980) played by Sam J. Jones

Flash and Dale Arden get on the same air flight. All of a sudden Airline Pilot and Airline Co-Pilot disappear forcing them to take the controls of the airplane. They crash into Dr. Hans Zarkov's laboratory and are tricked into flying with him in his rocket. They land on the planet Mongo and are brought to The Emperor Ming's throne room by Ming's Eyebot. After the Prince of Ardentia is killed by Ming, Flash is heard calling Ming a psycho and he, Dale and Zarkov are brought in front of Ming. Ming orders Dale to come to him and Flash fights a group of Ming's Brutes to try and save her. Flash is sentenced to death and is publicly executed, but brought back to life by Mongon Doctor on orders of Princess Aura, who is attracted to Flash. Flash and Aura fly a rocket to the planet of Arboria where Aura asks Prince Barin to watch over Flash. Barin becomes jealous of Flash and sticks him in a cage with Wounded Hawkman. Flash is tricked by Barin and Fico into entering the sacred shrine of the Treemen and Flash is forced to try his luck against the Woodbeast. Flash manages to escape but he and Barin are captured by a group of Hawkmen who bring him to Prince Vultan. Barin demands his right to fight a chosen opponent and he and Flash fight on a large spinning disk with spikes. Flash wins and after saving Barin, Barin gives his loyalty to Flash. Klytus arrives on the planet and after demanding that Vultan hand over Flash and Barin, Flash impales Klytus on a spike, killing him. Vultan and the rest of the Hawkmen flee the palace before Ming arrives and when he does he offers to make Flash the ruler of Earth if he submits to him. Flash refuses and is left at the palace of the Hawkmen while it is bombarded from the sky and he escapes in a rocket cycle. He gets in contact with Vultan and the two come up with a plan to attack Ming's forces. Flash tricks the War Rocket Ajax commanded by Captain of Ming's Air Force into following and after the Ajax emerges from a large group of clouds, it is attacked by Flash, Vultan and the Hawkmen. Flash takes the controls of the Ajax and heads it towards Ming's palace to try and stop Ming's attack on Earth. He crashes the rocket into the palace, impaling Ming in the process. Ming's Eyebot tells Flash the attack on Earth has ended and the Hawkmen spell out "Thanks Flash".

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