Frank (The Sect)

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Frank Pernath is a doctor in Frankfurt, Germany. His aunt is Dr. Pernath. Frank is allergic to rabbits and has been a doctor for a year.

During the events of The Sect (1991) played by Michel Adatte

When Miriam Kreisl goes at Dr. Pernath's house, Frank tells her that Dr. Pernath is not home, but he is also a doctor. They get into Miriam's car and drive back to her house. Miriam and Frank run into the house and when he starts sneezing, tells Miriam that he hates rabbits. They walk into the basement and Miriam tells Frank that she didn't know about the extent of her basement. They find Moebius Kelly's body and Frank shows Miriam the shroud Moebius had. An ambulance arrives and a Male nurse asks where Moebius is and removes Moebius' body. Frank flirts with Miriam before he leaves.

Frank calls Miriam and tells her to go the hospital. She goes and finds Dr. Pernath trying to stabilize Kathryn. Kathryn flatlines and when Miriam goes to look at her body, Kathryn tells her that it is all her fault and tries to strangle her and then slits her throat. Miriam tells Frank about the message Moebius left on her answering machine and Frank takes her to the hospital mortuary to prove Moebius is dead. Frank finds a coffin with the name tag unknown and starts to open it, while Miriam waits outside the room. Frank opens the coffin and finds bits of human remains. They go back to Miriam's house and Frank gives her a sleeping pill. Frank finds and goes through Moebius' journal. He goes into the basement and accidentally drops the journal into the well. He goes into the well and sees the shroud and hears voices outside. He follows a tunnel that leads outside and watches as Claire Henri's face is removed from her body during a ceremony. Claire's face is put on Moebius' and Moebius comes to life. He sees Frank and warns the others and as Frank is climbing back up the well, Rabbit attacks him and Frank is attacked by the shroud. Miriam runs to the door and Frank attacks her with a knife. She gets into her car and drives away and Frank jumps through the window and attacks her and the car crashes and starts leaking gasoline. Damon tells one of the sect members to kill Frank and as he is about to kill Frank, Frank causing the gasoline to ignite, killing them both.

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