Frank Stoller

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Frank Stoller


Frank Stoller is a factory line worker at the Jolly Dream Toy Corporation in New Jersey. His wife is Gina and he has a Daughter and Son.

During the events of Christmas Evil (1980) played by Joe Jamrog

28 days before Christmas, Frank walks up to Harry Stadling, Ben, another Worker, and Jake and asks if any of them will take over his shift that night as he has to leave early to go on a trip with his wife. None of them agree to take his shift and he walks up to Harry, takes a bite out of his sandwich and says he hates Christmas. Frank later calls Harry and tells him he is going to do him a favor and let him work his shift. After work, Harry is walking by a bar when he sees Frank inside and hears him bragging to the other patrons how he got Harry to work his shift. At the Jolly Dreams Christmas party, Ben asks Harry how he is feeling and tells him that Frank is bragging to the other workers that Harry worked his shift for him and Frank and Mrs. Stoller wave at Harry. On Christmas Eve, Harry walks into Frank's bedroom and starts to choke Frank with his bag of toys and then slashes his throat with a star ornament.