Free Greek-Potter

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Free Greek-Potter


Free Greek-Potter is a potter in Greece.

During the events of 300 (2006) played by Andrew Shaver

Leonidas and the 300 Spartans come across Daxos and a group of free Greeks who offer to fight with them. Daxos comments on the small amount of Spartans and Leonidas starts asking the free Greeks what their profession is. After hearing from Free Greek-Potter, Free Greek-Sculptor, Free Greek-Blacksmith, and Free Greek-Baker, Leonidas asks his men what their profession is and then tells Daxos, he brought more soldiers. Astinos tells the others that they are being followed and Leonidas and the others see Ephialtes on a hill. Stelios sees a village on fire and they enter the village and find it destroyed by the Persians. Burned Village Child walks up to Leonidas and then collapses and dies after telling him what happened to the village. Dilios tells the others he found the dead villagers and the Spartans and free Greeks stare in disgust at a tree with the villagers' bodies nailed to it. They march into the Hot Gates and see the Persian fleet floating nearby. During the night, a storm hits and destroys a number of Persian ships. Later, a group of Immortals along with Uber Immortal (Giant), attack the Spartans and manage to kill a few Spartans. The Arcadians and Daxos help in the battle and they manage to defeat the Immortals. Daxos rides up and tells Leonidas that Ephialtes has betrayed them and is leading the Persians behind them. Daxos then leaves with his men.