Gay Perry

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Gay Perry


Perry "Gay Perry" Van Shrike is a private investigator and consultant working in Los Angeles. His company is called Centron Inc. Gay Perry had the hots for Bobby Mills when he was younger.

During the events of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) played by Val Kilmer

Dabney Shaw hires Gay Perry to take Harry Lockhart with him to participate in real world investigations. Perry brings Harry along on a case that involves the surveillance of a cabin, where they witness a car being driven into a pond. Perry recovers the body of a dead woman from the car's trunk and later that night receives a call from Harry telling him the dead body is in his hotel room. Perry tells Harry to wrap up the body and look for a gun that may have been placed in his hotel room. Perry and Harry put the body in Perry's car and then dump it on the side of a street. Perry calls Harry later and tells him to watch the news and later meets up with him and tells him that he should go home and that he told Harmony Faith Lane that Harry lied to her about being an investigator. Harmony calls Perry and tells him that she and Harry have new evidence about her sister's case and he meets up with them and tells them he will help them after he finished a surveillance he was hired to do. Perry is following Pink Hair Girl, when he hears a gunshot and turns around just in time to miss being hit by Mr. Frying Pan driving a car. Before Perry can shoot Mr. Frying Pan, Mr. Frying Pan is shot and killed by a food truck owner. Perry goes to Dexter's mental health clinic with Harry to investigate a lead and as they are leaving they are confronted by Dexter Clinic Guard. Harry shoots and kills Dexter Clinic Guard, and both he and Perry are then taken hostage by Harlan Dexter and Aurelio. Harry is being tortured by Aurelio when Perry shoots Aurelio with a gun hidden in his crotch. They both then run to meet up with Harmony who had managed to steal the van carrying Harlan Dexter's daughter's body in it. Perry is shot by a Dexter Goons when he jumps in front of Harry and he collapses unconscious. Perry recovers in the hospital and goes to Harmony's sister's funeral in Emrey, Indiana. After the funeral he goes to the house she grew up in and tells Harmony's Dad that he is the one that killed Jenna and slaps him in the face. Perry then hires Harry to work for him.

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