Jack (Color Out of Space)

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Jack Gardner is a resident outside Arkham, Massachusetts. His parents are Nathan and Theresa and his siblings are Lavinia and Benny.

During the events of Color Out of Space (2019) played by Julian Hilliard

Lavinia walks up to Jack who is staring down into the family well. At dinner, Nathan shows them what he made to eat and Lavinia calls it peasant food. Theresa is doing a conference call with a client when Nathan calls her down to dinner. She comes down and asks Nathan to do something about their internet connection. During the night, an oddly colored meteorite lands in their property and Jack screams as the bright color from the meteor shines through him. Nathan, Lavinia and Benny go outside and stare at the purple meteorite half buried in the ground and Nathan complains about the smell. Theresa says there is something wrong with Jack and they go inside and Jack is sitting on the couch catatonic, before suddenly coming to. While chopping carrots, Jack goes up to Theresa and when he tugs on her shirt, she cuts two fingers off and continues to chop. Nathan drives Theresa to the hospital, while Lavinia, Benny and Jack stay home. In the morning, Lavinia sees Jack sitting, staring at the well whistling and he tells her the man in the well is talking to him. Jack walks to the well and sees an egg shaped purplish thing inside. The Color out of Space opens up and releases a wave of color into the air and new life pops out. Ward comes to the house and sees Jack staring at the well and Jack tells him he is playing with his friends and suddenly laughs. In the evening, Sam the Dog comes and sits next to Jack, who is still staring at the well, but runs away when a purple Color comes out of the well and then shrieks in pain. Nathan and Theresa return and they get upset when they find Jack outside by himself. Jack wakes up from bed and goes outside and sits next to Benny who is staring at the Color coming from the well. Benny and Jack go into the barn and find the Alpacas mutating into an Alpaca mass. Color flows out of the Alpaca mass and hits Theresa while she is hugging Jack forming a Theresa-Jack.

Jack Color Out of Space 2 - Edited.png