King Pelias

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King Pelias


King Pelias is the usurper king of Thessaly. His son is Acastus.

During the events of Jason and the Argonauts (1963) played by Douglas Wilmer

King Pelias asks Priest for a sign whether Zeus favors him in the battle to come and is told he shall win, but lose the throne when one of King Aristo's children takes it back in the future. During the attack he sees Briseis run to a temple holding a child. He then follows her and stabs her to death. When the temple priestess tells him a man with one sandal shall one day overthrow him, Pelias blames the gods for not telling him the full prophecy. Twenty years later, he is riding his horse when the horse is spooked by Hera. Pelias falls into some water and is pulled to safety by Jason, who loses a sandal in the process of saving Pelias. Pelias then invites Jason back to his camp and urges him to leave and find the Golden Fleece. Pelias then sends Acastus to join up with Jason and steal the Fleece.