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Lenora Locke is a 26 year old resident of Boston, Massachusetts. Her father is Locke and her mother was Morella, but she died shortly after child birth. Lenora is divorced.

During the events of Tales of Terror (1962) played by Maggie Pierce

A Coachman takes Lenora from Boston to Locke's house. He brings her her luggage and then tells Lenora that he must return to Boston. Lenora goes inside and finds the home full of cobwebs. She calls for Locke, but he doesn't answer. She continues to search the house and sees a portrait of Morella. Locke finds her and asks her who she is. She tells him who she is and when she goes to hug him, he moves away. She tells him that she wanted to see him one time before she left his life forever and asks if she can stay. He tells her that she can and then walks off. Lenora continues to search the house and finds the mummified body of Morella lying in a bed. Lenora screams and Locke grabs her and tells her to get away from Morella's body.

He tells her that when Morella died, he died too and it left him a shell of a man. He continues that Morella blamed Lenora for her death. He tells Lorena that he hated her and almost threw her out of the window when she was a baby. Lenora coughs and tells Locke that she only has a few months left to live. Locke asks her to forgive him and they eat dinner together and Lenora tells Locke about her life. He tells her that Morella died after a party and swore to avenge herself on Lenora. He says that he tried to commit suicide a dozen times, and could not stand to bury Morella. During the night, the ghost of Morella goes to Lenora's room and strangles her and Lenora starts to scream. Locke goes to her room and Lenora dies.