Mr Pony

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Mr Pony


George Pony is an engineer for the Clacks in Angh-Morpork, on Discworld. He is 58 years old and has a sick wife. Mr Pony has a niece named Princess.

During the events of Terry Pratchett's Going Postal (2010) played by John Henshaw

Mr Pony tells Reacher Gilt, the Clacks system is experiencing a mass shutdown and they need to shutdown the entire system before it spreads. Reacher offers Mr Pony a bonus to figure out a solution without closing the Clacks. Reacher accuses Roger and Princess of helping to shut down the system. He grabs Princess and holds her over the side of the Clacks tower and threatens to drop her. Mr Pony goes to the tower and tells Reacher he thinks he has figured out a workaround. After Moist Von Lipwig challenges him to a race, Reacher threatens Mr Pony that if the Clacks lose, then Princess will suffer. Mr Pony goes to speak with Adora Belle Dearheart and leaves her Horsefry's ledgers which he saved from being burned by Reacher.