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Nelson is a resident of Los Angeles, California. He is in a relationship with Catlyn.

During the events of Tales of Halloween (2015) played by Trent Haaga

Catlyn and Nelson are sitting on their couch watching Night of the Living Dead with James and Maria. Someone knocks on the door and when Catlyn answers the door, Nelson wonders why their are so many trick or treaters dressed as pirates. James comments, maybe there are a lot kids missing eyes. There is another knock and Nelson goes to answer the door. A girl dressed as a Princess and her Mother are at the door and Nelson offers the Mother rum and cider. He answers the door again and a Girl in a witch costume starts stabbing him in the stomach and then runs away. He stumbles into the house and when James suggests they call 911, Maria calls him an idiot and goes to get her car keys to drive Nelson to the hospital.