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Nicholas is a Voodoo priest who runs a gas station outside of Twin Falls.

During the events of Voodoo Man (1944) played by George Zucco

Alice is driving at night when she stops at a gas station and honks her car horn. Nicholas tells Sam he will go and Alice asks him if she is on the right road to Twin Falls. He gives her directions and warns her of a possible detour sign and she thanks him and drives off. Nicholas goes back inside and tells Sam he can close up for the night. Nicholas then calls Dr. Marlowe and tells him a lone woman is heading in his direction. Later, Sally arrives at the gas station and honks her horn and Nicholas goes outside and tells her the same thing he told Alice when Sally asks him if she is on the right path to Twin Falls. Nicholas then calls Dr. Marlowe and tells him Sally is heading in his direction. Dr. Marlowe, Nicholas, Toby, Grego and the Housekeeper get prepared for a voodoo ritual. Dr. Marlowe places Mrs. Marlowe in the chair opposite Sally and Nicholas chants to Frambona while Dr. Marlowe says from mind to mind and from soul to body over and over again. As he repeats life to death, Sally falls back into her chair, while Mrs. Marlowe exhibits flickers of life, before falling back to death. Nicholas calls Dr. Marlowe, and he tells Nicholas he is busy with the Sheriff. After she disappears, Dr. Marlowe calls Nicholas and Nicholas uses one of Sally's earrings in a ritual to make her stand up and return to Dr. Marlowe's house. A day later, Dr. Marlowe has Nicholas chant over Betty's glove in order to make her go to Dr. Marlowe's residence. Nicholas then chants once more as Dr. Marlowe uses Betty to try and revive Mrs. Marlowe. Eventually the Sheriff and Deputy arrive and Nicholas is arrested after Dr. Marlowe is shot dead.

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