Susan (Hogfather)

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Susan is a governess in Ankh-Morpork, on Discworld. Her grandfather is Death.

During the events of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather (2006) played by Michelle Dockery

Susan tells Twyla and Gawain a bedtime story about Jack and the Beanstock, but in the perspective that Jack is the bad guy. Twyla asks Susan if the Hogfather is coming and Gawain asks when he will arrive. Susan tells them if they don't believe in the Hogfather, then he won't come. Susan gets a knock on her window, but tells whoever it is to go away and shortly after, Twyla walks in and tells her she is afraid of the monster in the cellar. Guest 1 sees Susan carrying a fire poker and tells Mrs Gaiter, Mr Gaiter and the party guests. Mrs Gaiter asks Susan what she is doing, and Susan explains she is going to use it to kill the monster. The Gaiters and party guests listen as Susan gets rid of the monster and as she leaves the cellar, Mr Gaiter claps for her and congratulates her. After the guests leave, Susan drags a bag with the monster and kicks it outside. Twyla tells Susan there is a monster under her bed and Susan finds Slimazel the Bogeyman hiding under Twyla's bed. Susan warns Slimazel to go away and he flees. Twyla and Gawain start to question if the Hogfather is real to Susan. Susan catches Raven in the house and she kicks him out after he warns her, but doesn't tell her what the warning is. She sees Death dressed as the Hogfather and he tells her the Hogfather is gone. Susan demands to know what is going on, but Death refuses to tell her. Susan stops time and leaves the house and finds Binky outside and rides him.

She goes to Death's house and the Raven welcomes her home. Raven tells Susan that the Hogfather didn't always hand out presents and he was once a demiurge that people sacrificed to in order for the sun to rise. He then had to change when people realizes the sun rose anyways. Susan figures out that for the sun to come up tomorrow, the Hogfather has to be alive. Susan takes Death's sword and Binky and goes to the Hogfather's castle. Susan finds Bilious in the Hogfather's castle and carries him out as the castle collapses. She brings Bilious to the Tower of Art of the Unseen University for Wizards and asks Ridcully for help. The Lecturer in Recent Runes tells Susan he can cast a spell that can take away Bilious' hangover and separate it into a vial, but might kill him. The Dean suggests they just mix up everything and give it to Bilious. Bilious tries the concoction and survives. Ridcully tells the other wizards that he had mentioned a god of hangovers and the Lecturer in Recent Runes says at least he didn't say anything about a Hair Loss Fairy. They go to Ponder Stibbons to ask Hex for help. Ridcully asks Hex about what is going on and while they are waiting, a Hair Loss Fairy appears on the head of The Dean.

Susan thinks Ridcully is calling beings into existence and The Bursar mentions he wondered if there was an Eater of Socks. A drunk Student Wizard walks into the room wearing a Toothguard helmet and then passes out. Bilious recalls Pixie Helper mention the end of servitude. Ridcully asks Hex where the Tooth Fairy's castle is located at. Susan and Bilious leave on Binky to go to the Tooth Fairy's castle. Susan and Bilious enter the Tooth Fairy's castle through a child's painting. Susan and Bilious find Violet and free her. Bilious asks Violet if she drinks and after she tells him no, he tells her, nice castle and they both smile at each other. Teatime steals Death's sword from Susan and introduces himself to her. Mr Sideney gets the last door unlocked and Teatime tells him he can leave. An argument breaks out when Medium Dave wants to leave and Teatime tells Banjo to grab Susan. A spectral image of Ma Lillywhite appears and accuses Banjo of being bad and Medium Dave of letting Banjo get into trouble. Medium Dave dies of fright and Teatime tries to use Death's sword on Susan, but it doesn't work due to them being in an unnatural location. Susan knocks Teatime over the edge of a balcony and he falls out of the Tooth Fairy's castle.

The last door opens in the Tooth Fairy's castle and Susan enters the room. She sees the Tooth Fairy laying in bed who then transforms into various things to try and scare Susan. The Tooth Fairy tells Susan that she is the original Bogey Man who after some time decided to protect children instead of frightening them. The Tooth Fairy tells Susan she is too weak to take care of the teeth and then disappears. Susan tells Banjo that he should take over the Tooth Fairy's job and he asks for a puppy. Bilious and Violet run to help Susan and she tells them that Banjo is now in charge of the Tooth Fairy's castle and Susan leaves. She returns to the Gaiter residence and Death tells her it isn't over yet and takes her back towards the Hogfather's castle. They see a boar being chased by the Auditors shaped as dogs. Susan jumps onto the boar that will become the Hogfather and they cross an icy bridge which collapses after they cross it. Death appears behind the Auditor dogs and kills them. The sun comes up and the boar transforms into the Hogfather, who takes back his job from Death. Death drops Susan off and they go inside the Gaiter residence for some coco. Teatime grabs Susan as she is heating the water and threatens to kill Susan with Death's sword. Teatime has Twyla and Gawain come into the room and they tell Teatime that he is the creepy monster. Teatime goes to kill Death and Susan throws a poker at Death, which goes through him and impales Teatime. Teatime cries and dies and Death collects his soul. Death gives Susan a Hogswatch card and she tells him Happy Hogswatch.

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