The Humungus' Gang

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The Humungus' Gang


The Humungus' Gang is a marauder gang in the wasteland of Australia. Their leader is The Humungus. It consists of the Smegma Crazies and Gayboy Berserkers.

During the events of The Road Warrior (1981) played by James McCardell and Anne Jones

The Gang shows up and starts harassing The Refinery Settlers. After a few days of attacking they leave but then chase down a group of Settlers that were sent to look for a semi. After Max manages to get a semi into the refinery, they torture the live Refinery Settler prisoners they have. A group of them chase down Max when he leaves the refinery in his vehicle and then attack the semi as it leaves the refinery. The majority of The Humungus' Gang are killed while attacking the semi.

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