Death Promise (1977): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 10:54, 14 September 2021

After a group of corrupt businessmen order the death of a former boxer, his son vows revenge.


Martial Arts


Charley Roman - Charles Bonet

Speedy - Speedy Leacock

Sup Kim - Bill Louie

Shibata - Thompson Kao Kang

Alden - Vincent Van Lynn

Mursky - Thom Kendell

Jr. Jackson - Abe Hendy

Master Ying - Anthony Lau

Louis Roman - Rocky Crevice

Judge Engstrom - David Kirk

Albano - Tony De Caprio

Mike - Bob Long

Shibata's Sons - Jason Lau

Shibata's Sons - Jerry Ng

Baby - Monica Germaine

Jackson's Guard - Pete Richardson

Jackson's Guard - Robert Banks

Joey - Stuart Warmflash

Other Cast - Dan Doyle, Al Lopez, Tony Mejias, Joe Moore, Mike Diaz, Bobby Segee, Michael Quinones, Demian Ramos, Ray Martineau, Rubin Gunzales, Cecil Sinotao, Kenneth Bristol, Trevor Odwin, Dick Davis, Vardim Macabello, Carlos Thorne, Lenny Meyers, Ray Pena, Van Goldy, Tyrone Clark, Victor Sylvera, Kim Hicks, Earl Griffin, John Brown, Emmanuel Spencer, Billy Graham, Quincy Edwards, Alfred Williams, Joan Heart, Lenny Chance, Pedro Ocampo, Neal Thompson, Susan Warmflash, Perry Rossen, and Rod Correa

Uncle John



Alan - Alan Puzio


Alden's Thugs

Albano's Thug

Mursky's Thugs

Judge Engstrom's Thugs


Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

Charley Roman and Speedy are jogging through New York City. Charley goes to his apartment and finds the gas has been shut off. He goes to take a shower and finds the water has also been shut off. Louis Roman walks into Charley's apartment and Charley tells him about the water and gas being shut off. The power then goes off and Louis finds three Thugs in the building. They attack Louis and Charley runs over and helps Louise fight them off. Charley grabs one of the Thugs and demands to know who sent them, but the Thug tells him, some random guy just paid them to pull out wires. Later, Charley and Speedy work out at the dojo. A car pulls up at the apartment building and two Thugs get out, one carrying a box of rats. They let the rats out into the building and one of the Tenants named Uncle John sees them. They shove Uncle John out of the building and start harassing him. Charley and Speedy see them harassing Uncle John and beat them up and the Thug in the car drives off. Louis walks up and tells the Tenants that have gathered outside that the Thugs don't know who they are working for and the entire block is owned by the Iguana Realty Company. He then tries to convince them to stick together and not move.

Alden has a meeting with Mursky, Jr. Jackson, Judge Engstrom, and Albano. He tells them that they need to get rid of the Tenants immediately or the property deal will be forfeit. Alden tells them that the law is on the side of the Tenants and asks for ideas on getting rid of the Tenants. Engstrom complains that the laws today only protect the welfare people. Alden then tells them about Louis. Mursky thinks they should pay off Louis, but Albano just wants Louis killed. After the meeting ends, Alden walks into his office and tells a seated man with a cat that his plan is working perfectly. Charley looks outside his window and sees three Thugs walking to the apartment with a jug of gasoline. One of the Thugs pours the gasoline on the building and some cardboard and Charley attacks the Thugs and beats them up. Speedy goes to the dojo and is told by Shibata that he has to wait until the advanced class is over. Charley walks to the dojo and Speedy tells him that Shibata is training Shibata's Sons. Alden tries to bribe Louis, who refuses his offer. Alden then makes a phone call to the person with the cat and tells him that Louis rejected the offer. Louis goes to Shibata and tells him what Alden offered him and shows him a gun. Louis then hands Shibata a letter to give to Charley if Louis is murdered. Later, Shibata is seen petting his cat in Alden's office.

Alden calls Albano and Jake answers the phone. Alden tells Albano that Louis rejected the offer and Albano agrees to have Louis killed, as does Mursky, Engtsrom, and Jr. Jackson. While at the bar, Charley notices Louis is carrying a gun. Charley and Speedy leave the bar and Charley finds Louis dead. Charley then makes a promise to find and kill whoever killed Louis. The next morning, Shibata brings Charley into his dojo and shows him the letter Louise wrote. Shibata makes a deal with Charley, if he goes off to train some more, then he will give Charley the letter when he returns. Charley says goodbye to Speedy and then takes a plane flight out of the country. Speedy goes back to his apartment and sees Joey shoveling up trash, which Joey tells him someone dumped the night before. Charley arrives at Master Ying's dojo and Master Ying has Charley perform a kata for him. Master Ying shakes his head and has Sup Kim walk into the room. He then has Charley and Kim fight, and Kim easily beats Charley. Master Ying starts to train Charley as if he were a beginner.

Speedy starts to track Alden and who he meets with. Alden has a meeting in a limousine with Mursky, Jr. Jackson, Judge Engstrom, and Albano. He tells them that all of the Tenants have moved out and the deal is about to go through. Engstrom tells them that he plans on running for Congress, Jr. Jackson says he is going to buy a Rolls-Royce, Alden is going to invest his money, Albano says he is going to travel, while Mursky says he is going to buy a hotel in Miami. They park and Mike sees Speedy watching them and Alden sends two of Alden's Thugs to beat him up. They run to the roof and Speedy beats up Adlen's Thugs. During dinner, Charley catches a fly with his chopsticks. Eventually, Master Ying tells Charley that the time for his mission has come. Before leaving back to New York City, Charley says goodbye to Kim, who tells him that he plans on traveling to New York City. Shibata gives Charley the letter and Charley finds out Alden was responsible for Louis' death. Charley sees Speedy and Speedy tells him the names of the other men involved in Louis' death. Albano is firing arrows into a target when he tells Jake to get his bow. Charley and Speedy beat up Albano's Thugs and then ambush him. Jake walks back with his bow and arrows and starts practicing on the target. After he finishes he pulls out the arrows, and seeing blood, finds Albano dead behind the target.

Charley and Speedy next ambush Mursky's Thugs and Mursky runs to his car. He tells his driver to run over Charley and Charley punches the car window, shattering the glass onto Mursky's face and killing him. At night, Charley and Speedy sneak onto Engstrom's property. They knock out Engstrom's Thugs at the property entrance and Speedy distracts some more Thugs while Charley gets onto the roof of Engstrom's house. Charley puts a rod with string into Engstrom's bedroom window and puts poison on the string, which then drops into Engstrom's mouth, poisoning him to death. Speedy dresses up like a postal worker and goes to Jr. Jackson's home. He drops off a letter to Jackson's Guard which reads that Jackson is dead. Jr. Jackson sends Jackson's Guard and another Jackson's Guard after Speedy and they chase after Charley, who is also wearing a postal worker uniform. They attack Charley and he beats them up. Speedy walks into Jr. Jackson's home and breaks his wrists as Baby watches and screams and then puts a bag of rats over his head. The rats chew on Jr. Jackson's face, killing him.

The next day, Alden and Mike check the security of the building. While Charley and Speedy are walking, Kim runs up to them and Charley introduces him to Speedy. Mike tells Laszlo to tell the other Thugs that he and Alden are coming up the elevator. Mike shows Alden the trap he has set for Charley and Speedy. Charley splits off from Speedy and Kim and they sneak into the building. Laszlo tells Mike that Speedy and Kim are coming up the elevator. Alden hears gunfire and starts to celebrate with Mike, Alan and the other Thugs in his office. Speedy and Kim find a Thug guarding the elevator dead and another Thug on the stairway dead. They break into the conference room and a fight breaks out between them, Mike and Alan and the other Thugs. Alden grabs a gun and points it at Speedy and Kim and Charley walks in and throws a throwing star at Alden's hand. Alden runs away and Charley goes after him while Speedy and Kim finish beating up Mike and the others. Alden walks to the roof and is killed by a samurai sword wielded by Shibata. Charley, Speedy and Kim go to the roof and Charley realizes Shibata was the true mastermind. Shibata's Sons fight Speedy and Kim. Speedy and Kim kill Shibata's Sons and Charley and Shibata fight one on one. Shibata pulls out his samurai sword and Charley uses a pair of sai to defend himself. Shibata eventually lunges onto his own samurai sword and Charley lifts him up and throws him on the rooftop of a nearby building. Afterwards, Charley, Speedy and Kim visit Louis' grave.