Logan's Run (1976)

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A cyborg assassin returns home while being hunted by the company that created him.



Post-Apocalyptic, Environmental

Post-Apocalyptic, War


Logan - Michael York

Francis - Richard Jordan

Jessica - Jenny Agutter

Box - Roscoe Lee Browne

Holly - Farrah Fawcett-Majors

Doc - Michael Anderson, Jr.

Old Man - Peter Ustinov

2nd Sanctuary Man - Randolph Roberts

The Woman Runner - Lara Lindsey

Billy - Gary Morgan

Mary 2 - Michelle Stacy

Woman Customer - Laura Hippe

Sandman - David Westberg

Sanctuary Woman - Camilla Carr

Cub - Gregg Lewis

Timid Girl - Ashley Cox

Sandman - Bill Couch

Runner - Glen Wilder

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

"Sometime in the 23rd century...the survivors of war, overpopulation and pollution are living in a great domed city, sealed away from the forgotten world outside. Here, in an ecologically balanced world, mankind lives only for pleasure, freed by the servo-mechanisms which provide everything. There's just one catch: life must end at thirty unless reborn in the fiery ritual of carrousel."

In the year 2274, Logan 5 taps on the window of a nursery trying to wake up what he believes to be his son. Francis 7 knocks on the glass with the butt of his gun causing an alert in the system and the babies wake up and immediately start crying. They go to the Arcade to see carrousel and Francis mentions he expects a couple of new Sandmen to be reborn due to a few about to join Carrousel. Francis warns Logan that he is asking too many questions which can slow him down, when Logan asks him if he has known anyone to renew after carrousel. Last Dayers, or people born on the day of "Capricorn 15 in 2244" are brought into carrousel and a large crowd watches and chants "renew" as they are spun around and float into the air and explode. Logan receives a message that there is a Runner in the Great Hall and he leaves carrousel and Francis follows shortly after. They go into the Great Hall and proceed to chase and taunt the Runner, before shooting and killing him. Logan calls for a Cleanup Crew and when he notices his face doesn't match the database, he is told by that the Runner recently received a new face from New You. Logan collects the Runners belongings including an ankh and the Cleanup Crew dissolves the Runner's corpse. Logan uses a device to ask for a sexual partner and Jessica 6 materializes in his apartment. As Logan starts to make out with Jessica she tells him she regrets putting herself on the circuit and she only did because she was sad one of her friends recently went on carrousel and she implies that her friend might have been the Runner. Logan continues to try and get Jessica into bed as she continues to question the ideas of carrousel. Francis shows up with two women and Jessica leaves. The next morning, Logan and Francis meet a Sandman who was cut up by a group of cubs in the Cathedral. After Logan drops off the items collected from the Runner, the Dome Computer asks him to identify the ankh item and then asks him about sanctuary, which he knows nothing about. It then initiates Procedure 033-03 and after telling him there have been 1056 Runners that have made it out of the city and no one has ever been renewed, sends him to infiltrate sanctuary and in the process reduces his life clock by four years. After asking if he will get his years back after completing his mission and getting no response, he takes the ankh and leaves. Logan summons Jessica to his apartment and shows her his life clock on his palm, which is now beeping, and he tells her that he is going to run. He asks her to ask to speak to her friends and she leaves. Jessica meets with 2nd Sanctuary Man and Sanctuary Woman who tell Jessica where to bring Logan so they can ambush and kill him. Before he can be ambushed, Logan gets a call about a Runner in the cathedral and he and Jessica go there.