Taryn Foster

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Taryn Foster


Taryn is the daughter of Steve Foster and Jana and the sister of Ryan Foster. Taryn transferred to the Parsons Paris campus in order to study fashion design, which her parents only allowed because Ryan was already in Paris. It is implied her father doesn’t have much faith in Taryn’s judgment, while Taryn doesn’t like that her father remarried so quickly and to a much younger woman. Taryn at one point admits to Ryan that she had quit school.

During the events of 100 Degrees Below Zero played by Sara Malakul Lane

Taryn is in Paris with her brother Ryan waiting for their father and his new wife Lacey Foster to arrive. Giant hail begins to fall causing Taryn and Ryan to try and sheek selter. Once the hail stops, earthquakes erupt in Paris and while Taryn is trying to run to Ryan to help him, a man named Claude grabs Taryn and tries to forcibly bring her to his apartment where he claims it is safe. Taryn breaks free from Claude, who then steals her purse, and helps her brother get to his feet. While exploring the abandoned US Embassy, Taryn and Ryan come across Chief Dawson, who tells them to follow him, but as they do the floor collapses and Taryn and Ryan are stuck in a lower floor of the embassy. Taryn stands on Ryan’s shoulder and climbs out of the hole and returns with a fire hose which Ryan uses to climb out of the hole. Ryan electrocutes himself by grabbing live elevator cables and his heart stops. Taryn is forced to find a defibrillator which Chief Dawson uses to revive Ryan. As Taryn and her brother are heading to a Red Cross station, Lacey calls Taryn and tells her that she and Steve will meet Taryn and Ryan at the Eiffel Tower. While looking for coats in a furrier shop, Taryn and Ryan are held at gunpoint by the owner, Stuart the Furrier. Stuart accuses Taryn and Ryan of trying to steal the coats and demands an exorbitant amount of money for the coats Taryn and Ryan had put on. An earthquake allows Ryan to grab Stuart’s gun and swing him to the ground. As Taryn is trying to run away with Ryan Stuart grabs her by the leg and a shelving unit falls on Taryn while a large piece of the roof falls on Stuart, knocking him unconscious. Ryan uses a piece of wood as leverage and frees Taryn from the shelving unit and the two of them continue to walk around Paris. A group of French military led by French Soldier apprehends Ryan and Taryn and the siblings are placed into a vehicle along with an older couple and Angelique. The vehicle crashes into the side of a building while trying to avoid a pedestrian allowing Taryn and the rest to escape. Angelique tells Taryn and Ryan she knows a shortcut to the Eiffel Tower. After taking some bicycles from a bicycle rack outside of a tunnel the three of them then head into the tunnel. The trio are accosted by Thug and Second Thug, who demand their bicycles and fur coats. As Taryn, Ryan and Angelique are making their way to the Eiffel Tower they next have to contend with ice geysers. Once they reach the top of the tower, Steve and Lacey arrive in their helicopter and the siblings and Angelique barely make it onto the helicopter before the Eiffel Tower collapses. As the family and Angelique are flying to safety, the helicopter crashes due to damage sustained while escaping Paris. A group led by Colonel Ralph Dillard arrive at the crash scene and Taryn and her family along with Angelique are brought safely to their transport heading to Australia.

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