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Angelique is a French citizen.

During the events of 100 Degrees Below Zero (2013) played by Zsofia Trecsko

Ryan Foster first spots Angelique while Ryan and Taryn Foster are taking a tour of Paris. Angelique is spotted by Ryan again when he is trying to find someone to help him lift a shelving unit off of Taryn. Angelique apologizes and runs away without helping Ryan. When the Foster siblings are captured by the French troops, Angelique is one of the people in the vehicle the French troops are using as transport. Once the vehicle crashes, Angelique joins the Foster siblings and shows them a shortcut to the Eiffel Tower into a tunnel system. She is forced to surrender her fur coat and bicycle when the group is confronted by some thugs in the tunnels. Angelique is eventually saved by Steve Foster and Lacey Foster right before the Eiffel Tower collapses. She survives the crash of the helicopter and joins the rest on their trip to Australia.