Justin Rowley

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Justin Rowley


Justin Rowley is a law enforcement officer with the U.S. Forest Service. Justin and Danny St. Clair dated at one time.

During the events of It Waits (2005) played by Dominic Zamprogna

Justin stops to visit with Danny. He notices the claw marks on the storage shed door and Danny tells him she thinks she was visited by a bear. They go to the Devil's Gate Dam and Danny tells Justin she feels like ever since the crash with Julie Cassidy she feels like her karma has flipped. Justin tells Danny not to focus on the crash because she wasn't the one driving. When they return to Danny's fire watch tower, Danny agrees to let Justin stay overnight. Danny admits to Justin it was her and not Julie driving the day of the crash. Justin tells her not to worry about it because Julie was already dead and it didn't make sense for her to go to jail. They then have sex. At night they are awoken by the Creature jumping on the roof of the tower and cranking the emergency siren. Justin climbs up the tower but the Creature is already gone. The Creature then pushes Justin's jeep over. Justin returns from the roof and tells Danny the Creature ripped off the satellite dish. Danny and Justin agree to take turns watching the door for the rest of the night. Justin goes to his jeep to grab the radio however it is destroyed. Danny and Justin decide to go to the Devil's Gate Dam in order to use the radio there. They think they hear something as they are walking. As Justin is aiming his rifle in the direction of the noise, Carl Nash touches him from behind and tells Justin he is aiming at his wife, Evelyn Nash. Carl asks Danny and Justin if they can point them in the right direction off the mountain. He tells Danny their raft flipped over and they lost their compass and maps in the river. Danny and Justin want to escort the couple down the mountain, however Carl insists on he and his wife going by themselves and they leave. Danny and Justin arrive at the dam however the radio equipment has been destroyed there also. They return to the tower and find the jeep now has it's engine ripped out. They enter the tower and Evelyn's corpse drops from the ceiling. Carl's corpse is then tossed from the roof onto Justin. Justin thinks the killer is the same one that killed a group of students from NEU. Justin and Danny bury the couple so animals won't get them. Danny preys for the couple and they decide Justin is going to hike to safety while Danny stays in the tower. Justin is walking in the forest at night when he is attacked and killed by the Creature.

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