The Birds (1963)

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Groups of birds start attacking the residents of Bodega Bay.


Horror, Animal


Mitch Brenner - Rod Taylor

Lydia Brenner - Jessica Tandy

Annie Hayworth - Suzanne Pleshette

Melanie Daniels - Tippi Hedren

Cathy Brenner - Veronica Cartwright

Mrs. Bundy - Ethel Griffies

Sebastian Sholes - Charles McGraw

Mrs. MacGrude - Ruth McDevitt

Deke Carter - Lonny Chapman

Businessman - Joe Mantell

Fisherman - Doodles Weaver

Deputy Al Malone - Malcolm Atterbury

Postal Clerk - John McGovern

Doomsayer - Karl Swenson

Mitch's Neighbor - Richard Deacon

Helen Carter - Elizabeth Wilson

Sam - William Quinn

Mother in Diner - Doreen Lang

Man with Dogs - Alfred Hitchcock

The Birds

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Detailed Synopsis

In San Francisco, Melanie Daniels notices a large flock of birds flying overhead. She goes inside Davidson's Pet Shop and says hello to Mrs. MacGrude, and comments on the large amount of seagulls. Mrs. MacGrude tells Melanie that the myna bird she ordered hasn't been delivered yet. Mrs. MacGrude goes to the back to call the delivery service and while Melanie is waiting, Mitch Brenner asks her if she can help him. He tells her that he would like to purchase some lovebirds for his sister Cathy Brenner. He starts asking her questions about the birds as she makes up answers. Melanie goes to pull a canary out of its cage and it flies away and starts circling the ceiling. Mitch manages to catch it and calls Melanie by her name and then tells her that they met in court. As Mitch is driving away Melanie memorizes his license plate and writes it down. Mrs. MacGrude tells her that the myna bird will arrive later and Melanie calls her father's newspaper and asks Charlie to look up who owns the car with Mitch's license plate. Melanie orders some lovebirds