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Malay is an ethnic Malay. Muzzio became his brother when Malay saved him when he was captured.

During the events of Theatre Macabre: Season 1 Episode 19 The Song of Triumphant Love played by Jerzy Jogalla

Two riders approach Valerie and Fabian's house and at dinner, Muzzio tells them of his travels after offering them gifts. He gives Valerie a necklace and introduces them to Malay. Malay plays a song and Muzzio tells them that some believe that if someone loves with their whole essence, then the song has unseen powers over life. Muzzio takes a dagger and plunges it into his chest. He doesn't die and instead just pulls the dagger out of his chest and throws it into the table in front of Valerie. Valerie stands up and pulls of her necklace and then walks away.

During the night, Valerie hears music and gets out of bed and walks to where Muzzio is at. She opens his shirt and sees that he is suffering from leprosy and realizes he came back, because he will soon die. They then have sex. In the morning, Fabian goes to see Muzzio and he sees that Muzzio is dying from leprosy. Muzzio seemingly dies, but then lives again when Malay starts playing his music. Malay says that love by dark death can never die. Muzzio gets on his horse and he and Malay ride away after Malay drops the dagger.