Camelot Guard

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Camelot Guard


Camelot Guard is a guard at Camelot in Britain.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 9 The Battle of Bardon Pass played by Darryl Kinsella

Merlin tells Camelot Guard to tell King Arthur, he wants to speak with him. Albion tells the Camelot Guard that he needs to speak to Arthur, but the Camelot Guard tells him to wait in line.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 10 Reckoning played by Darryl Kinsella

Morgan arrives at Camelot with her entourage and Bridget tells her that Arthur is at Bardon Pass repelling an attack. A Camelot guard sees Queen Igraine tied up and goes to untie her, but is stopped by a Pendragon guard and Sybil tells the crowd that Merlin and Igraine ransacked Castle Pendragon and threatened Morgan. Morgan has Igraine taken to her room while Merlin is put in a pillory. Camelot Guard tries to stop Bridget from giving Merlin food and she tells him that Merlin isn't an animal.