White Line Fever (1975)

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A new trucker fights against the corruption of a trucking syndicate.




Carrol Jo - Jan-Michael Vincent

Jerri - Kay Lenz

Duane - Slim Pickens

Buck - L.Q. Jones

Pops - Sam Laws

Cutler - Don Porter

Prosecutor - R.G. Armstrong

Lucy - Leigh French

Carnell - Johnny Ray McGhee

Birdie - Dick Miller

Clem - Martin Kove

Jamie - Jamie Anderson

Witness - John David Garfield

Sunglasses - Nate Long

Deputy - Ron Nix

Hy - Swede Johnson

Matchstick - Neil Summers

Red - Tiny Wells

Himself - Bud Brown

Himself - Arnold Jeffers

Defense Lawyer - Curgie Pratt

Dispatcher - Jason Clark

Doctor - Doug Dudley

Waitress - Jackie Bridges

Truck Salesman - Homer Hanna

Cowboy - Trent Dolan

Sam - Frank Kennedy

Jamie's Girl - Dawn Jeffory

Dispatcher - Mel Todd

Vogel - Henry Kendricks

Thug - Jack White

Forewoman - Francesca Jarvis

Barmaid - Ann Dusenberry

Bartender - Walter Smith


Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

Arnold Jeffers gives a news report on the recent trucker strike. He interviews Bud Brown who tells him about the brokers and the shippers who hand out the jobs. Bud says that he carries a gun in case someone tries to steal his load and you never know what you're capable of doing until you are tested.

In Tucson, Arizona, Jerri and Jamie wait for Carrol Jo's flight to land. Carrol Jo and Jerri get married and Carrol Jo goes on to buy a semi truck from Truck Salesman who sells him a repossessed truck. Carrol Jo has the semi painted with the name the Blue Mule and later he drives to the Red River Shipping Company to get his first load. Matchstick and Clem walk up to him and Matchstick asks him if the truck is his. He walks up to ? and asks to speak with Duane. She points him to Duane's office and as Carrol Jo is walking to the office he is greeted by Birdie, who warns him to keep his blinders on. Duane tosses Carrol Jo a beer and tells him that he has a delivery for him to Akron. As Carrol Jo's load is being put in his trailer, Clem and Matchstick bring a box of cigarettes and a slot machine. Duane tells Pops that he will try and get him work later in the week and Carrol Jo walks back into the building to speak with Duane and says hello to Pops. Carrol Jo tells Duane about the cigarettes and slot machines and tells him that he won't deliver them. Carrol Jo goes to the bar and orders a whiskey and beer from the Bartender. The Barmaid notices he is new. Carrol Jo gives Pops the whiskey and Pops introduces him to Carnell. Carnell is gruff with Carrol Jo and Sunglasses tells him that he won't be invited to sit with them. Carrol Jo returns to his truck to find his trailer covered in cow manure. Carrol Jo punches Clem when he threatens him as Matchstick, Birdie and Red watch. As Carrol Jo is driving, he is pulled over by a Deputy. The Deputy starts making up charges against Carrol Jo and then handcuffs him to his semi and then drives off. A car drives up with Matchstick, ? and Clem and they beat up Carrol Jo and throw him in the back of his trailer. As Pops and Carnell are driving, they see Carrol Jo's semi and pull over and put Carrol Jo in their truck. Duane has a meeting with Buck and confronts him on what happened to Carrol Jo and Buck warns him not to be seen with Carrol Jo. The Forewoman yells at Jerri for not working faster. She goes home and greets Carrol Jo and Sadie and he tells her that he is going to go back to work, even with his ribs broken. Carrol Jo tries to get a load from Mayflower trucking, but when ? sees who he is, tells him they have no work for him. He next speaks with Lucy who tells him to speak with Vogel. Carrol Jo meets Vogel, who also tells him that they have no work for him.