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Jux lives on a purification farm in Meridian. His mother is Kasha and his father was Taron, who was a commander in the war, but died.

During the events of Steel Dawn (1987) played by Brett Hool

Nomad asks Kasha for some water and she sends Jux to get him some. She offers him a job and he accepts. Jux watches Nomad work and tells him that he is building a wind racer. He teaches Nomad how to properly plant and Nomad offers to teach him how to make a wind racer. Kasha, Tark, Jux and Nomad go to the community meeting. A Priest tells the locals that they should stick together. Kasha goes to the podium and tells the others that she received a letter from the Council of the Order that a Peacemaker is on their way. Damnil and his henchmen ride up and he tells the locals that he is the authority in the valley.

The next day, Nomad, Kasha, Tark, and Jux go to the market. Kasha gets a valve from a Merchant. Some of Damnil's men arrive including, Makker, Lann, Bluto, and another Henchman. They pick a fight with Tark. Jux and Kasha try to help him, but are easily brushed away. Nomad then sees the fight and beats up Damnil's men. Afterwards Jux asks Nomad to teach him how to fight.

Nomad and Jux go to the market and Nomad finds Tark drunk inside. As they are about to leave with Jux, Sho and Damnil's men walk up. Sho and Nomad fight and when Nomad knocks Sho to the ground, Lann hits Nomad in the back of the head with a shovel and Nomad collapses to the ground. Tark charges at Sho and is stabbed in the chest and dies. Sho and Damnil's men leave and Makker grabs Jux and takes him with him. Jux is brought to Damnil and later, Kasha is brought to Damnil. Damnil tells Kasha that he is going to have Sho murder her and Jux and she tells him about the spring. Kasha starts to crawl and beg to Damnil and then grabs him and puts a knife to his throat. She tells Jux to run away, but as she is trying to escape, Sho grabs her.

Jux gets onto a wind racer and starts to drive away and Makker and Bluto chase after him on their own wind racers. Jux crashes and when Makker is about to stab him, Makker and Bluto see Nomad and Dog coming their way. Makker then flees with Jux in a wind racer. Nomad gets into the other wind racer and chases after Makker and then impales him with a spear. Jux tells Nomad that they have Kasha and Dog returns with Bluto's weapon. They make it to Damnil's base and Nomad and Sho fight. Nomad stabs Sho in the stomach. Damnil orders his henchmen to kill Nomad and he fights one and the others run away. Damnil orders Nomad to drop his swords and Nomad pulls a knife and throws it through Damnil's throat. Kasha and Dog run to Nomad and Jux runs to Kasha. Later, Nomad tells Kesha he is leaving and as he is starting to leave, Jux runs after him and asks to go with him. Nomad tells him to help his mother and then leaves with Dog.