Rome: Season 1 Episode 4 Stealing from Saturn

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Luck continues to shine on Caesar and Titus Pullo while turning its back on Lucius Vorenus.

Series Index

Rome (2005-2007)


Titus Pullo - Ray Stevenson

Lucius Vorenus - Kevin McKidd

Atia of the Julii - Polly Walker

Pompey Magnus - Kenneth Cranham

Servilia of the Junii - Lindsay Duncan

Marcus Junius Brutus - Tobias Menzies

Octavia of the Julii - Kerry Condon

Porcius Cato - Karl Johnson

Niobe - Indira Varma

Marcus Tullius Cicero - David Bamber

Gaius Octavian - Max Pirkis

Posca - Nicholas Woodeson

Eleni - Suzanne Bertish

Scipio - Paul Jesson

Evander Pulchio - Enzo Cilenti

Lyde - Esther Hall

Quintus Pompey - Rick Warden

Erastes Fulmen - Lorcan Cranitch

Calpurnia - Haydn Gwynne

Clarissa - Anna Francolini

Eirene - Chiara Mastalii

Vorena the Elder - Coral Amiga

Mark Antony - James Purefoy

Caesar - Ciaran Hinds

Castor - Manfredi Aliquo'

Merula - Lydia Biondi

Demeter - Francesca Romana Coluzzi

Lictor - Kevin Dignam

Chief Augur - Roger Hammond

Volpe - Richard Katz

Phyllis - Paola Lavini

Diviner - Barbara Marten

Drusilla - Maggie McCarthy

Newsreader - Ian McNeice

Vorena the Younger - Anna Fausta Primiano

Jupiter Priest - Antonio Ragusa

Senior Legionary - Steve Ramsden

Cato the Dwarf - Paolo Risi

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

At the camp of Pompey Magnus and the Senate, Appius is being tortured by Quintus Pompey and Volpe. Marcus Tullius Cicero, Porcius Cato and Scipio complain to Pompey about their situation. Quintus tells Pompey that Durio was killed and the gold stolen and taken north. He continues that a group of Caesar's men confronted them and took the gold. Pompey orders Quintus to find the scouts who took the gold and Quintus and Volpe leave. The Newsreader tells the populace of Rome, martial law has gone into effect and crowds of more than three have been outlawed in public spaces and a curfew has been placed. Caesar walks into the temple of Jupiter. He asks the Chief Augur that an augury be taken so the citizens will know if the Gods favor his actions. The augurs agree and the Chief Augur tells Caesar an augury will be taken on the first clean morning. Posca goes to the house of Atia of the Julii and gives Castor a list of guests Caesar would like to have at his party that Atia has agreed to have for him. Castor shows Atia the list and she wonders why he has invited Servilia of the Junii. Atia wakes up Mark Antony who is sleeping in her bed and asks him why Servilia is invited. Mark Antony tells her it is probably, because Marcus Junius Brutus has joined up with Pompey, which Atia finds an acceptable reason. She makes Gaius Octavian eat hog testicles, because she feels he has been acting effeminate. She tells Demeter the menu for the dinner and waits until Octavian eats the testicles and walks away. Octavia of the Julii asks Octavian if he knows if their mother had Glabius killed and he tells her he doesn't think so.

Vorena the Younger drops off an offering of grapes at a local shrine and then runs back home. Lucius Vorenus pays Drusilla to have her cook a dinner for a party he is having to celebrate the opening of his grocery shop. Lucius and his family then pray to a ceramic bust of Jupiter. Cato the Dwarf walks in and tells Lucius, Mark Antony wants to see him. Lucius goes to see Mark Antony who is being cleaned by a slave. Mark Antony makes Lucius an offer to rejoin the 13th Legion with a promotion, but Lucius refuses his offer. Niobe goes to see a Diviner who tells her Lucius will probably not find out that the baby is hers and not Vorena the Elder's. Niobe is unhappy that the divination doesn't say that he will never find out, but the Diviner offers her the secondary divination that Lucius will eventually become rich. Eleni reassures Servilia that Caesar will still find her attractive after eight years. Caesar lists the amount of bribes he wants to dole out to different factions and Posca warns him that they will run out of money soon.

Erastes Fulmen is the first guest to arrive at Lucius' party. Niobe introduces him to Lucius and Erastes introduces his wife Phyllis to them. The next to arrive are Niobe's sister Lyde and Evander Pulchio. At Atia's party, Servilia and Eleni arrive and Atia takes credit for inviting her. Caesar arrives at the party and his Lictor loudly proclaims his presence to the party. Caesar stops to talk to Sevilia and tells her that Marcus Junius Brutus will not be punished for joining Pompey. Quintus, Volpe and a group of Syrians arrive at Rome. They tell the Senior Legionary they are corpse collectors and he lets them in with a warning to keep the Syrians away from "decent women". During dinner at Lucius' home, Erastes has a conversation with Lucius about current events and offers any help he can give to Lucius. Vorena the Elder brings young Lucius to the table and Evander holds and plays with him which makes Lyde feel uncomfortable and she leaves the table. Caesar and Mark Antony have a conversation with the Chief Augur, which quickly turns into a haggle over a bribery amount. Lyde gets drunk and starts dancing with a random man and Clarissa tells Niobe she needs to get her home before she causes a scene. Clarissa tells Evander he needs to take Lyde home and when he tells Lyde she starts yelling. Niobe goes to Lyde and reminds her she vowed to keep the baby a secret. Lyde starts screaming that Lucius is a fool and then falls into the table holding the Jupiter bust, causing the bust to fall to the ground and break.

Niobe cleans up after the party and Lucius tells her Lyde and Evander can no longer come to their house. Quintus, Volpe and the Syrians arrive at Lucius' home and demand to know where the gold is. Lucius denies knowing where the gold is and Niobe is about to be cut when Titus Pullo arrives on a litter with Eirene and walks into Lucius' courtyard. Quintus draws his sword and Titus distracts the Syrians by throwing coins into the air. Volpe and the Syrians are killed and Quintus is tied up. Titus wants to go back, take the gold and sail away, but Lucius orders him to return it and bring Quintus to Caesar. Posca gets Caesar and Caesar and Mark Antony go to the front door of Atia's house. Titus Pullo hands over Quintus and tells Caesar of how he found the gold and where he buried it. Caesar tells Quintus he is sending him back to Pompey with an offer of truce. Atia approaches Servilia and tries to get her to admit that she and Cesar are having an affair, but Servilia won't admit it. Atia tries to get Calpurnia involved, however Calpurnia quickly shuts down the conversation. Quintus is put on a horse with a handwritten offer of truce out in a saddlebag. Caesar tells Mark Antony to take Titus Pullo and to get the gold and also to give 100 pieces to Titus.

Octavian approaches Caesar and wonders why he let Quintus go and offered peace. Caesar tells him the terms of the truce make a difference. Caesar begins to have a seizure and Posca and Octavian bring him into a storage room. Demeter puts her ear to the door and hears Caesar making deep breathing noises. She walks away and then sees Octavian and Cesar leave the room together. Calpurnia and Caesar leave the party and he tells her has to work late and he will see her at home later. Caesar goes to Servilia's room and they make love. At Pompey's camp, the senators and Pompey argue over Caesar's truce. Titus walks into Lucius' home and finds Evander asking Niobe to tell him she loves Lucius. The next day Cesar is at the Temple of Jupiter. A basket of doves are released and the Chief Augur says the Gods favor Caesar.