The Wizard

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Akiro The Wizard


Akiro the Wizard once lived near a series of ruins where giants used to dwell. He has the power to bring back the dead, however it requires a sacrifice.

During the events of Conan the Barbarian (1982) played by Mako

As Conan is traveling to Thulsa Doom's mountain of power he comes across the Wizard who threatens Conan if Conan tries to hurt him. Conan and the Wizard become friends and the Wizard tells Conan about the history of the ruins. Conan leaves to continue to the mountain but leaves his sword and horse with the Wizard. When Conan is crucified the Wizard tells Valeria he can bring Conan back to life however the gods will enact a heavy toll and spirits will come in the night to tray and take Conan. Before Thulsa Doom's attack on the ruins the Wizard helps Conan and Subotai prepare the area with weapons he gathered from the graves dotting the ruins. The Wizard defends the ruins and saves Subotai by killing one of Thulsa Doom's men who had attacked Subotai.

Wizard 2 - Edited.png

During the events of Conan the Destroyer (1984) played by Mako

Before he is about to be cooked and eaten by a group of Tribal Cannibals, Akiro is freed by Malak and Conan. Akiro then joins them on their quest to get the Horn of Dagoth. After Zula joins their group, they reach the tower of Toth-Amon. After Princess Jehnna is captured during the night by Toth-Amon, Akiro and the others enter the tower and watch as Conan is forced to fight a Man Ape. After Toth-Amon is killed, the group travels to a temple. Akiro reads the pictographs on the walls and tells Conan that if they bring the horn back, then Jehnna will be sacrificed and the world will be destroyed. Jehnna retrieves the Horn of Dagoth, and the group is confronted by The Leader and his Temple Guards. Akiro has a wizard duel with the Leader and causes the leader to go blind when he wins the duel. After digging out of the tunnel that collapsed due to Bombaata's sabotage the group goes to Shadizar to prevent Jehnna's sacrifice. Conan stays to fight Bombaata while Akiro and the others stop Jehnna's sacrifice. When Dagoth transforms into a hideous beast, Conan is forced to fight it. Akiro tells him that Dagoth's power rests in his horn and Conan rips it out, killing Dagoth. The next day, Akiro is promoted to Court Wizard by the now Queen Jehnna.

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