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Ewan is a resident of Exham, Britain. His brother is Wade who is the headman of the Exham.

During the events of Camelot, Season 1 Episode 5 Justice played by Steven Mackintosh

Colfur takes a large rock and hits Wade in the head with it over and over again. Ewan and his men grab Colfur and start to hang him when King Arthur rides up and orders them to stop. They stop the execution and Ewan tells Arthur that Colfur murdered Wade. He says that Wade was the headman of the village, but now he is. Arthur tells him to gather some men and to ride to Camelot where there will be a hearing to determine what happens to Colfur. The tribunal starts and Ewan is the first to speak and says that Wade was a good man, while Colfur is a trouble maker. Arthur asks Ewan why the fight started and Colfur tells him that he hit Wade first. Ewan says that Colfur rented the land and owed tithes. Colfur refuses to answer why he attacked Wade and Arthur calls for a break in the tribunal.nun is beaten, none of them are safe. Sybil reveals to Morgan that her beating was all part of her plan and to use it to her advantage. The tribunal begins again and Colfur tells the whole story and he is banished from Exham. As Gawain is helping Colfur and Katelyn move, Ewan and a group of men confront them. Ewan attacks Gawain and a fight starts. Arthur, Kay and Leontes arrive to help Gawain. Arthur defeats Ewan's men and declares to the villagers that they are now under Camelot's protection.