Mordecai/The Little Devil

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Mordecai/The Little Devil


Mordecai is a resident of Los Angeles, California and lives at 4118. He lives with Abbadon.

During the events of Tales of Halloween (2015) played by Christophe Zajac-Denek

Mr. Abbadon and what appears to be Billy in his costume leave the house. They go to a house where The Dentist lives and who hands out a toothbrush. Mr. Abbadon rolls his eyes and uses a knife to shave the toothbrush into a shiv. Billy then uses the shiv to stab The Dentist in the crotch. Billy then goes to Britney's house and puts gasoline on the ghost decorations and lights them on fire after pelting Britney in the face with something. They then steal candy from kids and rob stores and steal Adrianne Curry's car. They then use the car to hit and run people. The night continues as they spray paint a garage and put a flaming poop bag outside the house of The Dentist who then catches his foot in the bear trap. They return to Mr. Abbadon's house and when Billy removes his mask, it is revealed the person in costume is Mordecai, while Billy has been tied up the entire time.