Nathan (Color Out of Space)

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Nathan Gardner is an alpaca farmer on his father's former farm outside Arkham, Massachusetts. His wife is Theresa and his children are Lavinia, Benny and Jack. Nathan is a former painter.

During the events of Color Out of Space (2019) played by Nicolas Cage

Lavinia goes home and Nathan chastises her for not wearing her riding helmet or boots. At dinner, Nathan shows them what he made to eat and Lavinia calls it peasant food. Theresa is doing a conference call with a client when Nathan calls her down to dinner. She comes down and asks Nathan to do something about their internet connection. After dinner, Nathan and Theresa go outside and talk about how they were able to accomplish their dream of getting out of the city. Before bed, Theresa tells Nathan she doesn't feel as pretty as she used to before she had cancer. During the night, an oddly colored meteorite lands in their property and Jack screams as the bright color from the meteor shines through him. Nathan, Lavinia and Benny go outside and stare at the purple meteorite half buried in the ground and Nathan complains about the smell. Theresa says there is something wrong with Jack and they go inside and Jack is sitting on the couch catatonic, before suddenly coming to. In the morning, Mayor Tooma and Sheriff Pierce arrive at the property and inspect the meteor. Ward arrives and introduces himself to Nathan and then also inspects the meteorite. Mayor Tooma and Sheriff Pierce leave and Nathan tells Lavinia to go inside and then goes and milks the Alpacas with Benny. He shows Ward how he milks the Alpacas and offers him some milk. Nathan has Benny take Ward to see Ezra.

In the morning, Nathan and Theresa find the meteorite gone, and find new vegetation growing nearby. Mayor Tooma arrives along with a Reporter. Later in the evening, Nathan gets upset while watching the news when he is called a UFO witness and the Reporter insinuates he may have been drunk. While chopping carrots, Jack goes up to Theresa and when he tugs on her shirt, she cuts two fingers off and continues to chop. Nathan drives Theresa to the hospital, while Lavinia, Benny and Jack stay home. As Nathan and Theresa are driving home, they almost hit a mutated G-Spot the Cat. Nathan and Theresa return and they get upset when they find Jack outside by himself. Nathan gets upset when he notices the Alpacas aren't in the barn. He asks Lavinia and Benny where Sam the Dog is and Lavinia tells him something or it got him. While taking a shower, a jellyfish like blob forms over the drain and stings Nathan in the hand when he picks it up. Nathan continues to complain about a smell and says it smells like the cancer ward his father died in. Theresa yells at Nathan about the internet. Nathan picks a bushel of very large tomatoes as a rash develops on his arm where the jellyfish like thing stung him. During an internet call with a client, the call is dropped and Theresa storms downstairs and tells Nathan he has to fix the internet dish. Nathan takes a bite from the tomatoes and says they all taste bad and throws them into the trash as Theresa yells at him over and over to fix the internet dish. He takes a drink and the ice cubes have swirls of colors. He looks at his skin, which is starting to look leathery and wrinkled.

After Theresa and Jack are mutated into Theresa-Jack, Nathan goes outside and they bring Theresa-Jack inside. Benny tries to call 911, but only hears static. Nathan tries to start the car in the morning, but it won't start. Theresa-Jack continues to moan and Nathan decides to put them in the attic. Nathan goes into the barn and kills the Alpaca mass and breaks down and cries. He goes back to the attic and tells Lavinia and Benny to go downstairs. He is about to shoot Theresa-Jack, but kisses her and strands of color go out like strands between their mouths. During the night, Nathan grabs Lavinia and tells her she has to feed Theresa-Jack and locks her in the attic. Ward and Sheriff are shocked when they see the physical and mental condition Nathan is in. He invites them in and Ward and Sheriff Pierce run to the attic when they hear Lavinia scream and are transfixed in shock at Theresa-Jack. Nathan comes upstairs and shoots and kills Theresa-Jack. Ward carries Lavinia towards Sheriff Pierce's car. Nathan sees the Color out of Space and Sheriff Pierce shoots and kills Nathan when he thinks he is about to shoot Ward. After returning from Ezra's, Ward sees a phantom of Nathan which attacks him as it speaks in the various voices of the family. Ward hides in the basement as an explosion of Color happens everywhere.

Nathan Color Out of Space 2 - Edited.png