Noah (The Breed)

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Noah McKnight is a college student. He shares a dorm room with Matt.

During the events of The Breed (2006) played by Hill Harper

John flies his seaplane, along with Nicki, Sara, Matt and Noah to an island. They land at the dock and walk to John and Matt's uncle's house. Noah finds the wine cellar and Sara pulls out a bottle of tequila. The power goes in and out in the house and Sara and Noah go into the basement to look at the fuse box. They replace a fuse and the power comes back on. While they are on the front porch, a puppy walks up to Sara. She keeps the puppy with her and during the evening, Noah goes to the kitchen to get some wine. The puppy runs into the kitchen and when Noah tells it that he is a cat person, the puppy growls at him. The puppy runs out of the house and Sara and John go outside to look for it. They find the puppy and its mother suddenly lunges at Sara. John runs over to help Sara and the dog bites her leg and then runs away. Matt cleans up her wound and tells her that she should treat any dog bite as possibly being exposed to rabies. Nicki and Matt think they should leave in the morning, but John tells Sara that you don't have to start treatment immediately.

During breakfast the next morning, Sara continues to act weird, Noah, Matt and John go exploring while Nicki stays with Sara. Nicki asks Sara if she is feeling alright and Sara tells her that she feels great. While in the woods, a Breed dog comes out from the woods and stares at Noah. As Noah starts to walk away, another dog comes out of the woods and stares at him, and yet another. Noah runs away and finds John and Matt and tells them about the dogs. A bloody Luke walks up to them and tells them that the dogs don't want them there and is then attacked and dragged away by a bunch of dogs. Matt, Noah and John run back towards the house and yell at Sara and Nicki to run to the house. As they are running to the house, a dog grabs onto Nicki's leg and John shoots an arrow at it, which goes through Nicki's leg. Matt removes the arrow from Nicki's leg and tells the others the facility on the island may have been training attack dogs and not seeing eye dogs. Nicki tells them that they need to get off the island and there is something wrong with Sara. A dog crashes through the window and lunges at Sara. John grabs it and Matt kills it with a fire pit stoker.

As they are about to leave for the plane, Matt sees it surrounded by dogs. Noah looks outside the window and sees the plane floating away. They go outside again when they don't see any dogs and John jumps in the water to get the plane. Nicki looks at the rope that was tied to the plane and sees that it is chewed on. As John gets closer to the plane, he sees two dogs on it, which then jump in the water after him. Noah kills one dog with a baseball bat and he and the others run back into the house. They board up the windows and come up with a plan to go to the compound to look for communication equipment. Matt goes and gets the zip-line trolley and connects it to a power line leading to the garage. Nicki uses the trolley to make it to the garage and gets inside the car, but it won't start. The dogs break into the garage and Nicki is forced to climb to the roof of the garage. John shoots an arrow with fishing line attached and Nicki pulls the electric line across and makes her way back to the house. The power goes out and as Noah goes to change the fuses out, he is attacked and killed by some dogs.

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