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Bibulus is a senator in Rome.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 9 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man) played by Jack Ellis

In the throne room in Alexandria, Egypt, Bibulus watches as Mark Antony teaches Cleopatra how to shoot a bow and arrow using a man dressed as a deer. Mark Antony fires an arrow that barely misses the man dressed as a deer and the crowd, except Charmian and Bibulus and the other delegates from Rome, clap. Bibulus offers Mark Antony double the price for a grain shipment. Cleopatra misses shooting the man dressed like a deer and demands triple the price and Carthage be annexed under Mark Antony, to which Bibulus agrees to. Mark Antony then tells Bibulus that the people will always love him more than Gaius Octavian. Before Bibulus leaves, Mark Antony also demands Spain and Cleopatra shoots the man dressed as a deer in the throat and he bleeds to death.