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Cleopatra is a princess of Egypt. She was in a civil war with her brother Ptolemy XIII. She has a son named Caesarion.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 8 Caesarion played by Lyndsey Marshal

Cleopatra is taking drugs to cope with being held captive by her brother when Charmian comes to her and tells her Hutto wishes to speak to her. Hutto enters the tent and tells Cleopatra it is time for her to make peace and die. Nubian Soldier then enters the tent with two others and is about to kill Cleopatra when Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo come and save her by killing Nubian Soldier and the others. Cleopatra tells Charmian she plans on seducing Caesar and tells her she wishes she was with him now as she is in her fertile time of the month. Charmian then sends in Lucius to have sex with Cleopatra, but after he refuses, Titus Pullo is sent into Cleopatra's tent and he has sex with Cleopatra. Cleopatra and Charmian are sneaked into Alexandria and brought before Caesar. She then enters the throne room of Egypt and confronts Ptolemy and has his advisers Pothinus and Theodotus executed. Cleopatra then seduces Caesar after she finds out he does not yet have a son and they have sex. Nine months later, Cleopatra gives birth to a son.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 2 Son of Hades played by Lyndsey Marshal

Cleopatra and Charmian arrive in Rome and Posca hands the conditions of the negotiations between Rome and Egypt to Charmian who reads it. Cleopatra also requests that Caesarion be called a legal son of Caesar, which Mark Antony rejects. Cleopatra arrives at Atia of the Julii's party and she is introduced to Atia, and afterwards she presents Caesarion. Cleopatra leaves the party and as she does Atia whispers for her to die screaming.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 8 A Necessary Fiction played by Lyndsey Marshal

Mark Antony arrives in Egypt and is greeted by Cleopatra.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 9 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man) played by Lyndsey Marshal

In the throne room, Bibulus watches as Mark Antony teaches Cleopatra how to shoot a bow and arrow using a man dressed as a deer. Mark Antony fires an arrow that barely misses the man dressed as a deer and the crowd, except Charmian and Bibulus and the other delegates from Rome, clap. Cleopatra tries and misses the man dressed as a deer and blames him for moving. Bibulus offers Mark Antony double the price for a grain shipment. Cleopatra misses again and demands triple the price and Carthage be annexed under Mark Antony, to which Bibulus agrees to. Before Bibulus leaves, Mark Antony also demands Spain and Cleopatra shoots the man dressed as a deer in the throat and he bleeds to death. Mark Antony and Cleopatra go into their quarters and Mark Antony tells her that he expects Gaius Octavian to declare war and Cleopatra suggests he declare war first, but Mark Antony refuses. Posca runs into the throne room and tells Mark Antony and Cleopatra that Atia and Octavia of the Julii have arrived in Alexandria and they demand to have an audience with him. Mark Antony figures out that Octavian is forcing him to publicly choose between Octavia and Cleopatra. Cleopatra tells Charmian to have a meal prepared for Octavia and Atia, but Mark Antony figures out she just wants to humiliate Atia. Cleopatra suggests killing Atia and Octavia and Mark Antony refuses. She accuses Mark Antony of either being a coward or still having feelings for Atia and they fight and make love.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 10 De Patre Vostro (About Your Father) played by Lyndsey Marshal

Emmissary tells Antony and Cleopatra that Octavian has rejected Mark Antony's offer to retire from public life. Cleopatra suggests they flee in the night, and after Mark Antony tells her they should commit suicide, she asks if he can come up with a military trick and he tells her he is a soldier, not a magician. Cleopatra reads a scroll from the Emmissary, in which Octavian offers her and her children peace if she gives up Mark Antony. Cleopatra struggles with the offer, but Charmian tells her she needs to live. She tells Mark Antony that tomorrow they shall commit suicide. Cleopatra goes into the throne room and calls her and Mark Antony's children to stare at their father, who she tricked into committing suicide so she could live. After Cleopatra suggests Lucius follow Mark Antony and commit suicide, he tells her, he must bring Caesarion to safety and that she has been fooled by Octavian. Cleopatra then agrees to send Caesarion with Lucius. Octavian enters the palace of Alexandria and tells Cleopatra that she and her children are all safe and that she will keep her crown. He then suggests that her and her children immediately leave with him to Rome. After the meeting, Cleopatra realizes Lucius was right. She then consults with an Old Woman which poison that won't make her bloated or discolored after death, and Cleopatra decides on using an Asp. Cleopatra then orders Charmian to make sure her children are safe before also committing suicide. Octavian enters the throne room and before dying, Cleopatra tells him his soul is rotten.