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Death is the collector of souls for Discworld. His granddaughter is Susan.

During the events of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather (2006) played by Marnix Van Den Broeke voiced by Ian Richardson

Death notices something is amiss and takes his sword and scythe. Death comes to collect Ernie and then asks him about Teatime. Albert is told by Death that something isn't right. The Raven agrees with Death and the mythological person's room opens up and Death notices the Hogfather's sand grains are running out. Death rides Binky to the Hogfather's Castle of Bones. He finds the Hogfather's robes but no Hogfather. Pixie Helper runs down the castle stairs and is visibly drunk and celebrates that he has Hogswatch off, but realizes he will have a bad hangover in the morning. The Pixie Helper sees Death and then runs away. Death disguised as the Hogfather comes down the chimney and leaves presents for a girl named Virginia. Susan catches Death dressed as the Hogfather and he tells her the Hogfather is gone. Susan demands to know what is going on, but Death refuses to tell her.

At Crumley's department store, an explosion occurs and Small Boy and Small Boy's Sister comment on the Hogfather's hogs and how one of them is peeing. Vernon Crumley confronts Death and demands to know what is going on. Death asks Bobble Hat Child what she wants for Hogswatch and when Bobble Hat Child's Mother starts to speak for her, Death snaps her fingers, causing Bobble Hat Child's Mother to stop talking. Bobble Hat Child asks for an army and castle and a sword. Bobble Hat Child's Mother tells Death she can't afford everything he just gave Bobble Hat Child and Death tells her they are free, which upsets Crumley. Corporal Nobbs waits in line and tells Death he was a good individual. Death finds the body of Toothguard 7 and Toothguard 7 tells Death about Teatime taking the teeth. Death goes to the home of of a young boy and reads off his list which includes a puppy named Scruff. Albert tells Death that the boy can't get everything on his list, because he is poor and so must get cheaper things not on his list. Albert then tells Death about when he was young and wanted a model horse from a toy store, but never got it. Death decides to change things while he is on the job and gives the boy everything he wanted.

Death and Albert find a match girl dead from hypothermia in an alley, and Death restores her life as a Hogswatch present. He hands the match girl over to Nobbs and Constable Visit and tells them he will be checking up on her periodically. The wizards stay up to catch the Hogfather as he delivers presents. Death shows up and they catch him and notice he has a fake beard and pillow under his robe. Death tells the wizards about the Auditors and their plan. He asks Hex questions and Hex tells him only regular and consistent belief will save humans. Death asks Hex if he believes in the Hogfather and Hex takes some time, but says yes and then asks for a present. Susan returns to the Gaiter residence and Death tells her it isn't over yet and takes her back towards the Hogfather's castle. They see a boar being chased by the Auditors shaped as dogs. Susan jumps onto the boar that will become the Hogfather and they cross an icy bridge which collapses after they cross it. Death appears behind the Auditor dogs and kills them. The sun comes up and the boar transforms into the Hogfather, who takes back his job from Death. Death drops Susan off and they go inside the Gaiter residence for some coco. Teatime grabs Susan as she is heating the water and threatens to kill Susan with Death's sword. Teatime has Twyla and Gawain come into the room and they tell Teatime that he is the creepy monster. Teatime goes to kill Death and Susan throws a poker at Death, which goes through him and impales Teatime. Teatime cries and dies and Death collects his soul. Death gives Susan a Hogswatch card and she tells him Happy Hogswatch. Banjo gets a puppy and plays with it.

In the past, Death goes to the toy store and buys the model horse from The Toymaker.

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